The main result of these factors is that prices for content, network distribution and equipment are collapsing across a broad front.
Instead of a broad front, these solutions are targeted to specific theaters and are fine-tuned to serve business needs in specific industries.
After three long weeks, the caribou finally arrived-tens of thousands of them, moving rapidly toward him in a broad front. He felt like running, but there was nowhere to go.
The clapboard homes, even the abandoned ones, have a frontier elegance to them, with broad steps leading up to front porches beneath hanging eaves.
Again, with the female squatting in the front while standing on her hind legs, the male could easily rest his forelimbs on one side of her broad pelvis.
Since then, PACT, WHO and other key international cancer organizations have undertaken increasingly productive collaboration, working together to tackle the crisis on a broad, multidisciplinary front.
The veiled beauty of this retired little inner garden had a wonderful charm for me, so different from the broad expanse of the river-bank in front.
He can win people over in one-to-one debates more than in front of the broad public.
We always provide front of pack colour-coded labelling and are committed to continuing to review the salt in our products, whilst still offering a broad range of cuisines for our customers to enjoy.
The surveyor could not see what was in front as his whole field of vision on that side was covered by the broad clumsy back of the driver.
On the eastern front, fighters from Iran crossed well-traveled routes over broad plains in the south and small mountains to the north.
The people step out of their houses and have their evening meals or a cooling drink on the broad streets along the lake front.
Under a clear blue sky frog excitedly beating, it has such a broad Kuni own excited, but also for their own corner of the front ranks solitary and distraught.
Helical antenna has not only almost identical to the resistive input impedance in broad bandwidth, but also works by the end of super-gain front lobed map in the same frequency band.
The phoenix stays not only in Arabia but it flies around the far North Pole, broad field, above the rivers where the sunshine falls in coal mines and in our front yards where beautiful flowers bloom.
The Galant's wide, 61.8-inch (1570 mm) front and rear track endow this broad vehicle with superior stability and control.
Front-end lyrical broad, although this is minor color, but also no shortage of bright energetic mood.
The broad pavement in front shone pale also; it gleamed as if some spell had transformed the dark granite to glistening Parian .
The temple in front of a broad lawn, several feet can park 20 cars (roads have been repaired to a hill on the right temple a dedicated car park).
The broad vista of the pond becomes visible only upon opening the front door.
The tumor had a broad pushing front and is surrounded by a thin fibrous capsule.
Went to school teaching see hanging in front of the building to celebrate "61" Children of the huge banner banners below are to allow us to display the broad stage of talent.
Went to school, teaching see hanging in front of the building to celebrate "61" Children of the huge banner, banners below are to allow us to display the broad stage of talent.
There was someone out there, a tall, broad-shouldered figure coming up the front walk. The figure mounted the steps.
The house was so called Western Style which prevailed in 1970's in Korea; half-story raised ground from the road, set back as far as possible with a broad south facing front yard.
The house was so called Western Style which prevailed in 1970's in Korea; half-story raised ground from the road, set back as far as possible with a broad south facing front yard.