Judging from the current trend, the gap between broad money supply and GDP is widening.
On the face of it, the M4 measure of broad money (cash and deposits) has been growing fast.
The jump in the ratio of broad money to GDP is also worrying, coming after a long period of stability.
Second, there are likely to be lags between the implementation of the policy and growth in broad money.
Central Banks now generally see broad money as passive, responding to the economic weather, not making it.
Goldman Sachs reckons that growth in China's M3 measure of broad money has quickened to 20% over the past year.
Yet over the past year, a staggering three-fifths of the world's broad money-supply growth has flowed from emerging economies.
That in itself would raise the broad money supply as the central bank pays for its purchases from institutional investors such as insurance companies.
Mr King explained that the bank had decided to expand the programme of asset purchases because more needed to be done to boost the supply of broad money.
Indeed, the broad money supply in emerging countries has increased by an average of 21% over the past year, almost three times as fast as it has in the developed world.
Firstly, through setting up the broad money demand model of our country to match our broad money demand, it discovers that the obvious excess liquidity has been with us since 2005.
That in itself would raise the broad money supply as the central bank pays for its purchases from institutional investors such as insurance companies. And the impact might be much greater.
By contrast, the broad money held by households has risen at a worryingly slow rate over the past year, and holdings by private non-financial firms have actually been dropping (see chart).
They ask: why won't women love us for who we are, or for our money, or our success, instead of our flowing hair and broad shoulders? The women shrug their shoulders.
Unlike the Federal Reserve, its older American cousin, it still collects and publishes estimates of M3, a broad measure of the money supply.
In America bank lending has been falling rapidly over the past three months while in the euro zone broad-money growth has slipped to just 2.5% year-on-year (see the left panel of chart 2).
And Capital Economics' measure of broad-money supply (M3) fell while QE was in operation.
There may be tentative signs that the pace of broad-money growth is accelerating.
But definitions of this liquidity are pretty vague and tend to be based on broad measures of money supply or prices of risky assets, such as emerging-market debt.
The pace of growth of M3, the broad measure of the money supply, quickened to 7.6%. It has been well above the ECB's target for five years.
广义货币供应量(M3)增速加快至 7.6%,已远超欧洲央行的5年增长目标。
In the year to December, the broad measure of money supply fell by 0.2% in the euro zone and grew by just 3.4% in America.
The broad-money supply in the crisis economies is up by just over 10% on average over the past year, much less than China's 17% and well below their money growth of more than 20% in the mid-1990s.
That increases the monetary base (cash and commercial-bank reserves) but not necessarily the broad-money supply (cash and deposits).
The broad-money supply grew last year at an annual rate of 15-40% in GCC countries, according to Standard Chartered.
The broad-money supply grew last year at an annual rate of 15-40% in GCC countries, according to Standard Chartered.