Winning entries receive coverage in hundreds of print and broadcast media networks around the world.
How much will it cost to buy one rating point for your target audience, a method used in comparing broadcast media.
In addition to the "traditional" print and broadcast media, there are dozens of other options for placing your ads.
At this point, games may have a better chance of capturing attention than traditional broadcast media simply because they are trendy.
I have been interviewed by every major US television network and countless other print and broadcast media from around the world.
Whether tabloid storytelling formats are becoming more frequent is uncertain, but anecdotal evidence suggests it's true in broadcast media.
Even 55-year-olds and up-long the bulwark of print and broadcast media-are nowadays getting much of their news, gossip and amusement online.
His work spans the American continent and the Caribbean and has been featured extensively in print and broadcast media around the world.
Although they cost very little, few coastlines around the world have them, as many countries rely on broadcast media and cell-phone messages.
Many of us grew up in a pre-digital era - we made phone calls and wrote letters, while public information was distributed through broadcast media.
The Internet as the representative of the new media are profoundly changing the internal structure of the broadcast media and the overall pattern.
It is something I have been told and shown via an array of broadcast media from Heifer and other organizations dedicated to fighting poverty and hunger.
Much is made of how press trips have typically focused on traditional print and broadcast media journalists when showing off a new destination or product.
当旅游企业有新的目的地或者产品需要宣传推广时,他们一般会邀请传统平面媒体和广播媒体的记者参与媒体体验旅行(press trip),关于这方面的讨论已经有很多。
That is why clear conditions for a new poll, including outside observers and the unfettered access of all parties to print and broadcast media, were needed.
The streaming media technology has made possible the transmission of audio information and begun the direct competition between Internet media and broadcast media.
As broadcast media vary day after day, live broadcast hotline programs become increasingly popular to common people and finally turn into a new type of conversation.
Combat declines in the efficacy of advertising through traditional broadcast media, and exploit social networking technology to converse in detail with individual consumers.
This supervisory body will have an unparalleled mandate to impose large fines on print, online and broadcast media for such vague transgressions as offending "human dignity".
You have to find them via the Internet and E-mail, or the old-fashioned way-through broadcast media, print ads, direct mail, telemarketing, or references or by cold-calling.
This interconnectedness spreads memes through multiple online social networks, which can reach a global audience and position social media as a true alternative to broadcast media.
At all levels about half of the students at Cambridge study arts and humanities subjects, many of whom have gone on to become prominent figures in the arts, print and broadcast media.
At all levels about half of the students at Cambridge study arts and humanities subjects, many of whom have gone on to become prominent figures in the arts, print and broadcast media.
I also apply my work through advice giving in print, online and in broadcast media - using the evidence I take for granted and making it publicly accessible (and most importantly freely available).
With the broad applications of the database and the Internet, we have the more and more data. In the field of the survey of broadcast listen data, Digitizing the broadcast media became current.
Particularly the broadcast media, with innate features of timely response, wide coverage, portable listening, convenient receiving, have unique advantages in news reporting of public emergency events.
Particularly the broadcast media, with innate features of timely response, wide coverage, portable listening, convenient receiving, have unique advantages in news reporting of public emergency events.