The broadly-defined public sector includes the first sector that is "pure" public department and the third sector that is nonprofit organization.
Internet marketing and geo marketing places an emphasis on marketing that appeals to a specific behaviour or interest, rather than reaching out to a broadly-defined demographic.
Innovation, broadly defined, is the crucial ingredient in all economic progress—higher growth for nations, more competitive products for companies, and more prosperous careers for individuals.
We hope that in 2011 Russia will begin the genuine reform, in preparation for a new bid to become part of a broadly defined West.
But innovation, broadly defined, is the crucial ingredient in all economic progress—higher growth for nations, more competitive products for companies, and more prosperous careers for individuals.
If being a person requires being human, then chimpanzees, our closest primate relative, are still only 98 percent complete. But if personhood is defined more broadly, chimpanzees may well qualify.
Under a sovereign CDS, a claim depends on a "credit event", which is defined broadly as a failure to pay interest, a moratorium on principal repayments or a restructuring of the debt.
Within this broadly defined category of family or founder firms it is also possible to find examples of every kind of fresh success.
They also agree that in the 21st century, “information technology, broadly defined, is likely to be the most important power resource.”
Broadly speaking, 3g is defined not by the underlying technology, but by its speed: up to 2 Mbps.
Moreover, the bank allocates aid to the poorest countries according to a formula in which "governance", broadly defined, plays much the biggest role.
The force is human culture, broadly defined as any learned behavior, including technology.
But lots of other celebrities (broadly defined), who have reason to believe their messages were intercepted, are suing.
Broadly defined, it can mean a way of thinking or a general approach to hypothesis testing or problem solving.
Nor does economic progress broadly defined correspond to human progress any more precisely than does scientific progress.
That's doubtless why these traits, broadly defined, seem to show themselves in virtually all human cultures, modern or tribal.
Broadly defined, the design and construction landscape consists of five areas.
Since 1980, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of people employed in finance, broadly defined, has shot up from roughly five million to more than seven and a half million.
The term 'synusia 'was defined so broadly that confusion in use of the concept resulted.
It's clear that Nokia hopes to see itself not just another cellphone company but as a much more broadly defined mobile computing company.
Masculinity can be defined broadly as the behavior society expects from males, and how a "true man" should think, feel, and act.
Tourism can be, and often is, defined quite broadly to include business and other forms of travel.
Masculinity can be defined broadly as the behavior society expects from males, and how a true m.
Broadly defined, platforms are a type of market place where people and businesses trade under a set of rules set by the owner or operator.
Defined another way, IPR, broadly, are rights granted to people who create and own works that are the result of human intellectual creativity.
Corporate governance is broadly defined as a control system that is helpful for corporations and other organizations to conduct effective and efficient management, governance and resource allocation.
And deception defined broadly is simply to act or be in some way that fools others into believing or thinking or responding to something that's false.
And deception defined broadly is simply to act or be in some way that fools others into believing or thinking or responding to something that's false.