The ship was moored broadside to the pier.
The Cadillac slammed broadside into a Ford Escort.
The prime minister fired a broadside at his critics.
The car skidded and crashed broadside into another car.
Broadside winds crabbed the boat close to the riverbank.
Broadside winds crabbed the boat close to riverbank.
The Prime Minister delivered a broadside at her critics.
He was standing almost broadside, his great head up and turned toward them.
This suggestion came to mind while reading James Hansen's latest broadside against coal.
Of course, since the gate was only four feet wide or so, he couldn't bring the rail in broadside.
I could no longer bear with his insolence, so I gave him such a broadside as made him hang down his head for shame.
Numerical examples are given for the broadside array in which the excitation amplitude coefficients have tolerances.
Based on analyzing the characteristics of broadside seismic data, we proposed processing workflow for broadside seismic data.
So, beamforming, higher resolution method and array error calibration for broadside arrays became important research contents.
The dynamic fault detection test patterns can include, for example, last-shift-launch test patterns and broadside test patterns.
此故障检测测试图可包括例如上次移位启动测试 图和宽面测试图。
For the two operating frequencies of the proposed antenna, the same polarization planes and broadside radiation patterns are obtained.
Defense mechanism of broadside defense cabin is revealed. The theory presented in this paper provide theoretical basis for effectively design...
Folio: (1) Half of a broadside sheet. (2) page number at the head or foot of a page of text. (3) sheet of copy which is written on one side only.
Simulated the typical ships broadside protection structure under the underwater contact explosion load by non-linear dynamical finite element software LS-DYNA.
Different data sets relative to the same scene acquired with different view angles can be exploited to improve slant-range resolution of SAR in broadside mode.
A new type of broadband printed twin dipole antenna is proposed in this paper. Corresponding feed structure of broadside coupled parallel line is also designed.
The boats are broadside on the shore and each row is made fast, side by side, the whole secured by chains and anchored at the outer side to keep them in position.
The broadside on the food industry was taken seriously by the F.D.A. and touched off a scramble by producers to head off regulation, confidential company records and interviews show.
The same day a group of big investment Banks fired its latest broadside in the war over trading fees by announcing plans to sidestep the exchanges with their own platform spanning Europe.
She turned in every direction but the one I was bound to go; the most part of the time we were broadside on, and I am very sure I never should have made the ship at all but for the tide.
Defense mechanism of broadside defense cabin is revealed. The theory presented in this paper provide theoretical basis for effectively design of broadside defense cabin of surface warship.
Defense mechanism of broadside defense cabin is revealed. The theory presented in this paper provide theoretical basis for effectively design of broadside defense cabin of surface warship.