The boats are broadside on the shore and each row is made fast, side by side, the whole secured by chains and anchored at the outer side to keep them in position.
The broadside on the food industry was taken seriously by the F.D.A. and touched off a scramble by producers to head off regulation, confidential company records and interviews show.
She turned in every direction but the one I was bound to go; the most part of the time we were broadside on, and I am very sure I never should have made the ship at all but for the tide.
Based on analyzing the characteristics of broadside seismic data, we proposed processing workflow for broadside seismic data.
Folio: (1) Half of a broadside sheet. (2) page number at the head or foot of a page of text. (3) sheet of copy which is written on one side only.
Folio: (1) Half of a broadside sheet. (2) page number at the head or foot of a page of text. (3) sheet of copy which is written on one side only.