In order to keep the heart-broken lesson in mind, we should stop fires from happening again.
Nathaniel Hawthorne went home with a broken heart.
Maybe I could make a mosaic (镶嵌画) by using the pieces of my broken heart.
With these words, he left the place, low-spirited and heart-broken.
My heart is broken because my friend Cookie left me forever.
Her heart was broken every time her son asked, "Can I have some more bread, Mommy?"
You will lose your special ambiguous friendship with her, and going to work with a broken heart may make the office a grim place for a while.
I pictured my father struggling to patch up my broken heart with a pen, and his closing words slipped like minnows through my tears.
This kind of love reveals the void of a soul suspended between all and nothing just as becoming a Don Juan is the only remedy for a broken heart.
All of us are not new to this picture: a successful business man tasting loneliness alone with a broken heart.
So, it looks like the way to mend a broken heart is what Mom always said: just give it time.
It's not easy to get over a broken heart, but if you believe that you are strong enough and keep yourself occupied, time does the rest.
Healing a broken heart can take time, but, if you treat it as a learning experience, you'll discover a lot about yourself.
As a young woman with a broken heart, she was reluctant to confide in him, thinking he could not help. She was wrong.
As proof of the mental taxation of love, consider the drawn-out healing process it takes to mend a broken heart.
If journaling about pain can heal your knee scab, think about what writing might do for your broken heart.
"Broken heart syndrome is an extreme form of what heartache can do to our bodies," says Kennedy.
They say that time mends a broken heart and true love never ends, but if true love never ended then time wouldn't have to mend.
Worse, there's a syndrome that mimics heart attack called Takotsuba syndrome, or broken heart syndrome, in which an EKG, chest X-ray and blood work all indicate heart attack.
The conference also heard that while heart attacks happen more in winter, broken heart syndrome is more common in summer.
So, Dr. Abhishek Deshmukh, a cardiologist at the University of Arkansas who has treated women with broken heart syndrome, became curious about just how gender-specific the condition was.
Doctors have long known about broken heart syndrome - first described by Japanese researchers two decades ago - and that it seemed to occur mostly in women.
The ultimate goal is to grow beating heart muscle from a patient's own cells. And thereby literally mend a broken heart.
Or maybe it’s just because at such a young age, we haven’t had much practice in the art of dealing with a broken heart.
Or maybe it's just because at such a young age, we haven't had much practice in the art of dealing with a broken heart.
When 23-year old Emmie Scott, a direct marketer in Richmond, Va., and her boyfriend/co-worker broke up and still had to endure seeing each other daily, Scott suffered a broken heart—literally.
Using a federal database that included data from roughly 1, 000 hospitals, Deshmukh found 6, 229 cases of broken heart syndrome in 2007.
The panacea for a broken heart is a busy mind and a tired body; so throw yourself into work even though you don't really feel like working, and focus all your energy into your professional life.
The panacea for a broken heart is a busy mind and a tired body; so throw yourself into work even though you don't really feel like working, and focus all your energy into your professional life.