This series works continues to follow the creative method of series a Broken Thread without definite social signifiers and narrative clues.
The broken thread embroidery is to break a thread by hand into 8 to 16 thinner threads, then, to broider them in groups. The broidered pattern is very flat and exquisite.
Our hair was fried and falling out, nails broken, clothes worn to a thread, but we were alive.
The company has managed to thread a long, thin tube into the broken pipe, but that is only drawing off a fraction of the flow.
Function of under and upper thread auto detector, red light displayed on the thread broken position.
Adopting the new method to female thread machining, high hardness of thread can be acquired, and tap broken cases reduce significantly.
A thread is broken into smaller pieces, then restored under impossible conditions.
With features of superhigh hardness and strength, the cutting tool is broken down frequently when female thread was processed using titanium alloy.
The doll had been darned by little boy's mother, however, what about the broken heart of this mother and child and the broken family?Could they be fixed by needle and thread so easily?
The doll had been darned by little boy's mother, however, what about the broken heart of this mother and child and the broken family?Could they be fixed by needle and thread so easily?