000 dead in Chittagong region of Bangladesh in cyclone in April 1991. The 20ft storm surge brought massive flooding that left 10 million homeless.
Mr. Jackson was in a coma when he reached UCLA Medical Center, according to a person close to his family, and was dead before he could be brought to an operating room.
He eats alongside his Wolf brethren, tearing organs and meat from the bellies of dead game animals brought into the habitat (his food has been flashed cooked and placed in protective plastic bags).
On May 9th and 10th 480 civilian refugees are reported to have been brought dead or dying to a makeshift hospital in the war-zone, victims of shellfire.
When one told me, saying, Behold, Saul is dead, thinking to have brought good tidings, I took hold of him, and slew him in Ziklag, who thought that I would have given him a reward for his tidings.
He says the plane also brought in 2,300 bags to help dispose of dead bodies in a dignified manner.
In the case of the Intelsat Galaxy 15 satellite that had its "brains Fried" by a solar flare nine months ago, it would appear that zombies really can be brought back from the dead.
Besides causing human casualties, the disaster had brought a serious psychological trauma to the residents in disaster area, especially the relatives of the dead.
Police in a remote mountainous region of northern Pakistan say three women have been shot dead by a male relative who appears to believe that they have brought shame on their family.
'Roger! It's Mother! I brought a cup of coffee for her and I found her dead. She's dead... dead in her bed,' she cried.
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, pioneering microscopist, observed in 1702 that dry sediments of "animalcules", expected to be dead, were brought back to life when exposed to rain water.
Somehow the swaying of some dead branches of trees across the way brought back the picture with which she was familiar when she looked from their front window in December days at home.
Somehow the swaying of some dead branches of trees across the way brought back the picture with which she was familiar when she looked from their front window in December days at home.