The two-day meeting in Brussels, ending Thursday, is intended to solidify new measures in the wake of bank failures and credit crises from Iceland to Germany that brought near panic.
UBS brought in a new CEO to clean house but is still struggling with the legacy of huge credit-crunch losses and Revelations it helped U.S. clients evade taxes.
Credit crunch became common parlance, the banking system was brought to the brink, and what began as an American property crisis gradually enveloped the world.
The credit crunch brought to a halt some of the country's biggest new casinos and large parts of the new Cotai strip are silent.
The stimulus was announced in November after the crippling global financial and credit crisis brought a five-year bull run in Asian stocks to a halt.
The model proves that mechanism design can solve the financing difficulty problem brought by lack of credit and construction of credit system is key to financing problem.
DECLINING house prices, rising job layoffs, skyrocketing oil costs and a major credit crunch have brought consumer confidence to its lowest point in five years.
And it was Bear that brought the first serious reminder, after years of excess, of Walter Bagehot's dictum that if you have to prove you are worthy of credit, your credit is already gone.
That brought about a need to hire specialist debt-collection agencies, particularly in regions where credit expanded and economic growth slowed, said analysts.
It brought out the strategy to enhance the quality signal of web advertising and improve the credit of web advertising, therefore increase the efficiency of online trading.
That brought about a need to hire specialist debt-collection agencies, particularly in regions where credit expanded and economic growth slowed, said analysts 1.
Academically speaking, she is one of the top few students who have brought credit to my teaching career.
The Credit System being used in colleges and universities in China has brought up new problems to the teaching management in vocational colleges.
However, while the technical innovations have brought huge benefits to Banks, they have produced new credit risks as well.
However, while the technical innovations have brought huge benefits to Banks, they have produced new credit risks as well.