Create the habit of brown bagging it to work, or watching DVDs instead of going to the movies, or whatever change will lead to saving money for you.
要做的是建立自备午餐的习惯,租d VD回来而不是去电影院看电影,或者建立其他一切可以给你省钱的习惯。
We all know that brown-bagging is an instant money-saver, but many of us still fall prey to eating out far more often than we can afford to.
You're already forgoing restaurant takeout and brown-bagging it.
Two years ago, he started traveling more for work - meaning that instead of brown-bagging his meals, he began eating food ordered at drive-thru Windows and at sit-down diners several days a week.
Two years ago, he started traveling more for work - meaning that instead of brown-bagging his meals, he began eating food ordered at drive-thru Windows and at sit-down diners several days a week.