The scientists then transplanted the cells into mice, where they produced brown fat tissue.
And they found mice that developed extra brown fat tissue gained less weight than other mice, suggesting a potential use in weight loss.
Tests showed that the brown fat transplants were burning caloric energy at a high rate -- energy that otherwise would have been stored as fat in white adipose tissue.
Rats, among other species, have a far greater capacity to cope with excess calories than we do because they have more of a dark-colored tissue called brown fat.
Based on his findings, Herzig believes that brown fat may originate from a mother cell of adipose tissue that by default tends to make white fat.
With this switch in hand, the scientists showed they could manipulate it to force other types of cells in the laboratory to produce brown fat, known as Brown Adipose Tissue (BAT).
White fat, or white adipose tissue, is the jiggly stuff that stores spare energy from food. By contrast, brown adipose tissue consumes energy to generate body heat.
Brown adipose tissue, sometimes called "brown fat," also plays a role by burning more energy in the form of heat in cooler temperatures.
But, as Cowan notes, "it's certainly exciting that there may be a way to manipulate white adipose tissue to make it something that is more metabolically active and more brown fat-like."
Both visceral and subcutaneous fat are made of white adipose tissue and are thought to be less healthy than the type of fat known as brown fat.
Brown fat has a darker appearance because the tissue is metabolically active — which means it burns energy and calories, in contrast with white fat, which just sits.
Samples of tissue displayed the molecular signature of brown fat, including a key heat-producing protein that was absent from white fat.
Samples of tissue displayed the molecular signature of brown fat, including a key heat-producing protein that was absent from white fat.