It was a girl with no makeup, Coke-bottle glasses, and brown hair with no apparent style versus a woman with hot-pink lipstick, painted-on eyebrows, and a silver stripe in her hair.
Like a modest Robert Palmer-girl army, the women mingled in floor-length print dresses and brown lace-up boots with their hair in messy secretary buns.
The same thin girl with the mousy brown hair still stared back at me in the mirror, but somehow the words had finally blossomed in my heart.
This girl, Ally Holt, has the same long brown hair, brown eyes and a similar smile to Santana's.
A tall, skinny, 'coltish girl, all legs and elbows, her brown hair was' woven in a thick braid and bound about with strips of leather.
Brown hair, brown eyes and dark complexion - just like how I would like my girl.
The same thin girl with the mousy brown hair still stared back at me in the mirror, but somehow the words had finally blossomed in my heart.
The little girl, whose dark shoulder-length hair was held back from her face with a brown barrette, stood in front of him.
He searches for the same Caucasian girl, about eight years old, with long, brown hair that he was asked to remember and immediately picks her out.
Some boys and girls in the UK have blue eyes and brown hair. The boys are handsome and the girl are beautiful.
Tom: brown hair, brown eyes and dark complexion - just like how I would like my girl.
The little girl, whose dark shoulder-length hair was held back from her face with a brown 32)barrette, stood in front of him.
Well, I think there is no problem because I saw a girl who had black hair one day, blond hair the other day and then suddenly changed to brown hair the 3rd day!
The same thin girl with the mousy3 brown hair still stared back at me in the mirror, but somehow the words had finally blossomed in my heart.
The same thin girl with the mousy3 brown hair still stared back at me in the mirror, "with rosetta stone ", but somehow the words had finally blossomed in my heart.
The same thin girl with the mousy3 brown hair still stared back at me in the mirror, "with rosetta stone ", but somehow the words had finally blossomed in my heart.