The child-care bill is to be tacked on to the budget plan now being worked out in the Senate.
So I can put that on the application for the grant, that I plan on using material from that library for my research, and figure a trip to Boston into my budget?
Not all testing will be done during normal work hours, so plan and budget ahead for testing time and even dedicated testing equipment.
Input from other groups is critical at this stage, because you will begin to request budget dollars, plan downtime, and change the way people work.
It enables you to spot and analyze trends, patterns, and anomalies so you can plan, budget, and forecast resources.
Two days later I presented my budget plan to Congress.
The money would be part of a plan with the International Monetary Fund to help control Egypt's budget deficit.
But aggressiveness of your initial plan and strategy can be largely dictated by the budget and technology constraints of your organization.
So in voting for the House budget plan, Republicans voted to end Medicare.
Then people who actually know how to read a budget proposal started looking at the plan. And that’s when everything started to fall apart.
And the plan does this in apparently "budget neutral" fashion, a requirement that everyone in Washington agrees on. The snag?
The current plan is now threatened by proposed cuts to the budget of the Federal Aviation Administration.
The proposal—included in Paterson's annual budget plan released in January—also would ban payments to physicians outside of formal contractual consulting arrangements between them and drug companies.
The Global Plan includes a large budget for ACSM but, in the absence of systematic guidance in 2006 (to be published in 2007), NTP budgets were typically small and activities uneven.
I felt sure that, within a few months, Congress would pass a balanced budget that would be pretty close to my plan.
On Saturday, Mr. Obama said the budget plan "asks Washington to live within its means."
Your views will be taken into consideration as we prepare the draft plan and proposed budget for submission to the Health Assembly in May.
That's why I've submitted to Congress a plan for a three-year budget freeze, and I'm prepared to offer additional savings.
BARACK OBAMA, as we unhappily noted when he produced his budget in February, has no credible plan for getting America's runaway budget deficit under control.
The most significant detail is the cost of his plan and its impact on our long-term budget deficit, "he said."
They need to plan a budget and find out if their parents can contribute, or if they need to finance their studies by working part-time.
Apart from the draft medium-term strategic plan and the proposed programme budget, the items before this Board cover only a selection of WHO activities.
Less noticed is that Mr Obama's fiscal plan will also worsen the medium-term budget mess, by making tax cuts for the middle class permanent.
You have before you the proposed programme budget for 2008 and 2009 and the draft medium-term strategic plan.
When he initially rolled out the budget plan, Gates sounded unsure just how many of his proposed changes would make it past Congress.
One of the most important factors in determining an IT project's success is the team's skill level. As you plan and budget for 2011, make sure your team has the skills to drive your project's success.
For the first time, this budget is part of a six-year strategic plan for the Organization, which Member States also adopted at the Assembly.
For the first time, this budget is part of a six-year strategic plan for the Organization, which Member States also adopted at the Assembly.