Norway's budget surplus has fallen from 5.9% in 1986 to an expected 0.1% this year.
Japan, unlike other big economies, is in the enviable position of having a budget surplus.
A budget surplus may be used to redeem state debt.
And it manages this while keeping a consistent budget surplus.
But they, too, will shift from a budget surplus in 2007 to a deficit of 3% of GDP.
不过,即使如此,他们2007年的预算盈余也将转变为GD P中3%的赤字。
He proposed the first balanced budget in decades and achieved a budget surplus.
Sweden, like the other Nordic countries, is likely to run a sizeable budget surplus in 2008.
Ten years ago, we had a big budget surplus with projected surpluses far into the future.
A similar rule in Australia would imply a budget surplus of 2% this year, argues Mr McKibbin.
The budget surplus is running at 2% of GDP; ten years ago the deficit was close to 3.4%.
Over the past decade, China's budget deficit was very low, and in 2007 it ran a budget surplus.
But the budget surplus should at least reduce the need for drastic cut backs, Mr Brecher says.
Thanks to a thriving economy and a minor budget surplus, Pittsburgh looks set to stay in good shape.
It accumulated a budget surplus of 8.8% of GDP last year, thanks to soaring revenues from its copper mines.
For the past fiscal year ending March 31, 1998, our budget surplus was at an astounding 5.8% of our GDP.
For the past fiscal year which ended March 31, our budget surplus was at an astounding level of 5.8% of GDP.
But the euro crisis has exposed the weakness of public finances in a country that has not run a budget surplus since 1974.
But it preserves the rest of the Bush tax cuts - cuts that were originally sold as a way to dispose of a large budget surplus.
High oil revenues have brought double-digit budget surpluses to the Gulf oil producers and pushed Russia's surplus over 6% of GDP.
Argentina's budget surplus has vanished, and its trade surplus has been artificially boosted by curbs on imports of drugs, processed food and cars.
Mr Solbes presides over a healthy budget surplus worth 2% of GDP, giving him plenty of room for tax cuts and a splurge of public spending on infrastructure.
The first is a numerical policy rule, such as a target for the debt ratio or, as in Chile, a pledge to run a budget surplus of 1% of GDP over the business cycle.
PLUNGING unemployment, rocketing growth, soaring exports and a budget surplus: that is the story of Estonia as it bounces back from a precipitous economic collapse.
The budget surplus he inherited is now a deficit, the fiscal hole in America's retiree programmes is bigger than ever, the tax system is an unstable, patched-up mess.
They note that Iraq has a budget surplus as a result of the rising price of its oil exports, while the United States is grappling with budget deficits and other economic problems.
The funds will come from the budget surplus, which has been amassed largely on the back of a mining boom that has seen vast quantities of Australian minerals exported to China and India.
The latest European Commission report on Greece makes a point of arguing that Belgium ran a primary budget surplus (ie, before interest) almost as large as the one now required of Greece.
At that point, claim the EU's and IMF's economists, Greece will have returned to growth and reached a primary budget surplus (ie, it will raise more revenue than it spends, before interest).
At that point, claim the EU's and IMF's economists, Greece will have returned to growth and reached a primary budget surplus (ie, it will raise more revenue than it spends, before interest).