The key technique for the data buffer storage in multi-type video signal conservation and transmission is discussed emphatically.
In many application systems, using the buffer storage technology is an effective approach for improving the function of data inquiry.
The machine comprises a high-frequency vibration draining screen in the upper part and a coal slurry buffer storage tank in the lower part.
The semantic buffer storage is one of important buffer storages which buffer-stores inquiry result and relevant semantic information and provides answer to the future inquiry.
Setup of the buffer cylinder and the correct adjustment of the buffer storage can decrease the impact force, cut the changing time and overcome the big inertia of the moving components.
The SDRAM has become the chief choice of the buffer storage because of its high speed, great capacity, and low price; but due to its complex control timing, it cannot directly interface with DSP.
This paper deals with the system design method of assembly flow line, including determination of the work element time and the balancing problem of the assembly line and buffer storage capacity, etc.
However, if the total buffer size is too large, and there is not enough storage to allocate them, a minimum system buffer pool for each page size is allocated, and performance is sharply reduced.
Due to the different internal storage model and the potentially huge objects (up to 2gb), no buffer pool is involved here.
If rows are accessed randomly, then the smaller page size enables DB2 to make better use of the buffer, because more pages fit into the same storage area.
Most of the buffer Pointers are allocated storage when a browser calls the tiny cloud.
This setting controls the size of the NSF buffer pool, a section of memory dedicated to buffering I/O transfers between the NIF indexing functions and disk storage.
In a buffer overflow attack, the hacker takes advantage of specific type of computer program bug that involves the allocation of storage during program execution.
The impact of changing the buffer sizes is to increase storage requirements for the queue manager.
The designation of buffer pool sizes is dependent upon the amount of storage (both central and expanded) that is available.
To calculate the maximum buffer size, DB2 considers all other storage utilization, the operating system, and any other applications.
要计算最大的缓冲区大小,DB 2、操作系统以及其它任何应用程序都必须考虑其它所有存储器的利用率。
A buffer pool is an area of storage in memory into which database pages (containing table rows or index entries) are temporarily read and changed.
This forces the transfers to be serialized by the MFC itself, so it will always wait until the current conversion is finished being PUT into system storage before GETting more data into the buffer.
这会强制传输由MFC本身进行序列化,因此总会等待,直到当前的转换被 PUT到系统存储中,然后才会 GET更多数据到缓冲区中。
Each memory block, when allocated, consists of a BufferBlockHeader header followed by a buffer block for storage of actual data.
The log buffer holds log records in storage until they are written to hard disk drive. Log records are written to the hard disk drive when one of the following occurs.
Note that you can use the sync command to flush the buffer cache out to the storage media (force all unwritten data out to the device drivers and, subsequently, to the storage device).
You can write trace data to a file continuously as an extension to the in-storage trace, but instead of one buffer per thread, at least two buffers per thread are allocated.
Buffer is a large pressure container, used for storage of a certain amount of compressed air.
EA activity of GCF sample can be influenced by the category of buffer and the storage temperature.
GCF样本的保存过程中,缓冲液的种类以及保存温度可影响GCF -EA的活性。
A hold buffer provides temporary storage for text.
Based on the single buffer copy technology, the strategy overcomes the inefficiency of storage block copy in some embedded system's memory control unit.
This is because, in many places, water storage represents the buffer between triumph and disaster during unexpected dry spells.
A buffer is temporary storage for data that is to be moved somewhere else.
A buffer is temporary storage for data that is to be moved somewhere else.