Without file system caching, Q1 performs similarly on XML and CLOB columns, with a slight disadvantage (10%) for the CLOB column which is not buffered in the buffer pool.
This is important in Python programs because file input and output are, by default, buffered; data isn't written as soon as you call a print statement but is instead written in chunks.
You can also open a buffered binary file by using the form open (fileName, 'b').
您也可以使用open (fileName,'b ')打开一个缓冲了的二进制文件。
The buffered data that is written to the file includes the content of the child, named file, of the global environment section of the logical tree.
Doing so returns a buffered text file; read and readline return strings. (Remember that all strings in Python 3 are unicode.)
Without file system caching, this overhead is mitigated by the fact that XML columns are buffered in the DB2 buffer pool and CLOB columns are not.
Once buffered, the file data is written through the output.write method into the socket of the OutputStream object.
进行缓冲之后,out put .write方法将文件数据写入到outputStream对象的套接字中。
Clears buffers for this stream and causes any buffered data to be written to the file.
It is possible to lose output data that is buffered if you do not explicitly close a file.
Clears buffers for this stream and causes any buffered data to be written to the file, and also clears all intermediate file buffers.
Clears buffers for this stream and causes any buffered data to be written to the file, and also clears all intermediate file buffers.