In this case, you need to build a complex data type for an array of strings.
在本例中,需要为array of strings构建一个复杂数据类型。
It plans to use our speech patterns - not just what we say but how we say it - in conjunction with other behavioural data, such as how we type, to build up a more reliable picture of our identity.
It is proved that ST-1.5 type scrapers can run normally and some experiment data in ST-1.5 type scrapers will be very useful to build small mines and rebuild small old mines in our country.
从中得到了有关ST- 1.5型铲运机的运行数据,这对我国小型新矿山的建设和老矿山的改造是非常有用的。
It is proved that ST-1.5 type scrapers can run normally and some experiment data in ST-1.5 type scrapers will be very useful to build small mines and rebuild small old mines in our country.
从中得到了有关ST- 1.5型铲运机的运行数据,这对我国小型新矿山的建设和老矿山的改造是非常有用的。