EXP file must be used later to build the executable file.
In this example, only one C file is used, but in large systems, typically various libraries are built and finally linked to build the executable file.
Instead of taking any shortcuts to creating the executable (and there are many shortcuts), you'll take your time to build and examine just the object file output.
Open the states.mms file in Design Studio and build the map called master to generate an executable map called master.mmc.
在DesignStudio中打开states . mms文件,构建名为master的数据图,以便生成一个名为master . mmc的可执行数据图。
Using the Build Forge installation media or the downloaded image, locate and install the agent executable file for your operating system.
Finally, I call the dot executable to generate the PDF of the build targets of the buildfile. Figure 3 shows an example of this file.
You can also browse artifact repositories or search for a given artifact by name (an artifact is the result of a build; it may be a JAR file, an executable, or a complete Web site).
The second line takes the object file and creates an executable. If we wish to build our program as a shared object, we should do the following
The second line takes the object file and creates an executable. If we wish to build our program as a shared object, we should do the following