The stock market reacts positively when companies tie CEO pay to, say, stock prices, a sign that those practices build up a corporate value not just for the CEO.
Novozymes stock pared its loss earlier this year after DuPont co., the third-largest U.S. chemical company, said it planned to build a pilot plant with Danisco to make second - generation biofuel.
You simply build a Quote from each Stock object, and then add it to a Portfolio object that is returned to the servlet in Listing 3.
And, finally, we put this all together to build a new service that pulls together currency and stock ticker information into a single service.
Anxiety leads them to build up a "buffer stock" of wealth, which will be some multiple of their normal income, as a hedge against misfortune.
Products are likely to include Asian equity long-short funds, which would build on Rothschild's stock-picking approach.
And they'd work to build up investment banking activities ranging from underwriting stock and bond offerings to selling packages of securitized mortgages, credit card receipts and car loans.
While Rolls-Royce hawks its wares around the world, Bombardier’s facilities (across Europe and North America, as well as in Derby) have depended on single contracts to build local rolling stock.
This research adopts techniques of data mining and artificial intelligence to build up analysis models from the historical data of stock market to assist investment decisions.
Mainly discusses how to use J2EE architecture to build an online stock trading system.
However, poor demand from both end-users and distributors, who are reluctant to build stock, should limit these rises somewhat.
Firstly, through using the UML to build the use-case diagram of each model to analyse the system, it designs the data flow and the databases for the buying-stock-selling system.
As new players on the technology frontier, Chinese organizations will need several years to build the requisite stock of knowledge.
If a stock can be the next day, shipping, no need to build, general 15 days can be for shipment.
Combine the objective indicators and stock options to build mixed incentive system.
Market analysis: the project of geothermal Wells using existing resources, the use of flowers, nursery stock base and a pollution-free vegetable base to build environmental advantages.
Market analysis: the project of geothermal Wells using existing resources, the use of flowers, nursery stock base and a pollution-free vegetable base to build environmental advantages.