Cash deposits at Banks and building societies all have scores near to zero.
The Banks have acted in unison with the Building Societies in lowering interest rates.
The association has threatened to withdraw its support if the banks and building societies refuse to play ball.
Until now, Banks and building societies have either been nationalized or taken over when they run into trouble.
In Britain several smaller mutually owned building societies collapsed under the weight of bad bets and were folded into bigger ones.
There are similar worries about the health of European banks that are too small to save, from Spanish cajas to German Sparkassen and British building societies.
欧洲的那些小银行的体质是否健全也令人担忧,一路从西班牙的加哈(Cajas de Ahorros;储蓄窗口)银行到德国的斯巴卡(Sparkassen储蓄)银行再到英国的房屋抵押贷款协会。
In the UK the term has come to describe speculators who pour money into building societies in the hope that they can reap rich rewards when the societies turn into Banks.
Asked if he thought private equity involvement with building societies was a weird notion, Morgan said: "societies and private equity make good bedfellows as our project will demonstrate."
Separately, Ireland took euro400 billion of contingent liabilities onto the national balance sheet, when it stood behind the deposits and debts of its six large banks and building societies.
This is a duty on banks and building societies, but we have also asked the Financial Services Authority to look at how in the future we should control new mortgages for more than 100% of house value.
The focus of this year's commemoration –achieving social protection for all –is critical to building fairer, more inclusive and equitable societies.
Addressing the global jobs crisis is central to changing this picture -to defeating poverty, strengthening economies and building peaceful and stable societies.
Addressing the global jobs crisis is central to changing this picture - to defeating poverty, strengthening economies and building peaceful and stable societies.
Building sustainable water infrastructure to reduce societies' vulnerability to water-related shocks, especially as climate change affects hydrological cycles.
And in 2005, they held the Hyogo Framework for Action, the world's first-ever conference on building disaster-resilient societies.
It has led some commentators to claim that the region is well on the way to building middle-class societies.
We may talk about equality and fraternity. We may strive for classless societies. But we go right on building hierarchies, and jockeying for status within them.
Conference rooms, small group meeting areas and multi-purpose Spaces are spread throughout the building for the university's clubs and societies to make use of.
The focus of this year's commemoration - achieving social protection for all - is critical to building fairer, more inclusive and equitable societies.
The centre government demands all the societies concerns, supports and participation in the socialism new countryside building, and contributes to it.
WMO o and the National Meteorological and Hydrological Services are playing an essential role in building climate-resilient societies.
WMO o and the National Meteorological and Hydrological Services are playing an essential role in building climate-resilient societies.