They've already built subscale pieces and tested it in the lab, so now they're moving on to a demonstration at a very large scale.
Researchers at MIT's Lincoln Lab have built a radar system that can penetrate walls enough to give an "instantaneous picture of the activity on the other side."
At the MIT Media Lab, a prototype is already being built which will determine how sleepy you are as you drive, which is especially important for long-distance truck drivers.
The devices built in the MIT lab produced 10 times more power than a lithium-ion battery of equivalent mass.
"That's why my colleague Robert Carlson and I have built what we call Europa-in-a-can, here in our lab," Hand explains.
Within a few years, the lab built up five core areas of expertise, in speech recognition, multimedia, graphics, wireless, and search, and began pumping out world-class papers and patents.
At the age of ten Edison had already built a small chemistry lab of his own.
At the MIT Media Lab, a prototype is already being built which will determine how sleepy you are as you drive, which is especially important for long-distance trunk drivers.
At the MIT Media Lab, a prototype is already being built which will determine how sleepy you are as you drive, which is especially important for long-distance truck drivers.
Bristol Robotics Lab has now built a robot with whisker-like sensors, which means that it too can operate in environments where there is no light.
Using RT-LAB, a real-time simulation is made for the high-power inverter source, capture technology of SPWM wave is introduced, IGBT model is built, and the main circuit is set up.
本文利用RT - LAB对大功率逆变电源进行实时仿真,介绍了SPWM波的捕获技术,搭建IGBT模型,完成主回路的建模。
But a team led by Iain Anderson, the head of the Auckland Bioengineering Institute's Biomimetics Lab, has built an entire menagerie of muscle-powered motors.
不过奥克兰生物工程研究所仿生学实验室主任伊恩·安德森iain Anderson领导的团队已经制造出了一大批生物肌肉动力电机。
Built-in software makes the lab compatible with a desktop or notebook PC.
The company has built a chemical synthesized drug lab center, which is the key laboratory of Nanyang.
The company has built a chemical synthesized drug lab center, which is the key laboratory of Nanyang.