Built Environment, Structural Mechanics, Architecture and Construction.
Still, there is merit to using ecosystem services to shape the built environment.
Architects strive to harness this value in their own contributions to the built environment.
Its mission is to improve quality of life for the common good through the built environment.
Pieprz: Landscape architecture deals with land and thus underpins all work in the built environment.
Sustainability, as currently practised in the built environment, is primarily an exercise in efficiency.
Post Occupancy Evaluation (POE) is a systematical and quantitative method to evaluate the built environment.
Complementing this are lecture courses on history and theory, production of the built environment, and technology.
The heterogeneous built environment is enhanced throughout the hostel space from main entrance to the roof terrace.
Like a temple, this building has a strong presence in the built environment, giving it structure and a point of reference.
In other words, villages can take control over their built environment, but pretty well everyone has to agree before the bulldozers move in.
And urban design should improve the quality of city space and to create an enjoyable natural and built environment for people living in it.
They demonstrate the functional use of landscape within built environment while accomplishing water quality improvement and flood mitigation.
With the development of tourism, the built environment of ancient town possesses dual nature and presents two dimension evolvement character.
1civil engineering, the oldest of the engineering specialties, is the planning, design, construction and management of the built environment.
Architecture becomes photography, photography becomes architecture and the building becomes a hybrid urban artefact within the built environment.
The castle of the Portuguese city of Pombal testifies to the power of time as the main contributor for the transformation of the built environment.
Both factors jointly result in the disparity between "actual" urban design and the "maintenance and promotion of the public value of built environment".
The course examines the growing popularity of 'sustainability' and its implications for the practice of engineering, particularly for the built environment.
Their built environment was capable of dealing with the rise of the motorcar, the changes in society or the emergence of industrial production at large scale.
The alliance intends to enable new approaches to design through technology, to create more effective industry processes and a higher quality built environment.
"The easiest, fastest, most effective way to reduce energy demand is to hit buildings," Marc Porat, a serial entrepreneur in the "built environment" sector, told me.
To reach the company, the customer benefit maximization, with customers, share the joy of the built environment, so as to create more value to give back to society.
While each project is different, each is approached from the unique perspective of a company that has designed things across the full spectrum of the built environment.
So when you turn to the built environment, you can't expect to deliver health care in the future the same way — and in the same space — as you did in the last few decades.
We should embrace this and strive to improve the integration of technology into the built environment, so that it is less like a prosthetic limb that is artificially attached.
Such a dichotomized view is contrary to established ideas on Mode 2 knowledge production and current trends towards co-production research in the context of the built environment.
It diversifies the communities in the built environment, making travel less necessary, easier and more predictable, bypassing roadway congestion through a new raised infrastructure.
To understand the mechanism of human adaptation in built environment is helpful for the developments of the new building designs and technologies to fully inspire human adaptations.
To understand the mechanism of human adaptation in built environment is helpful for the developments of the new building designs and technologies to fully inspire human adaptations.