Instead of just piling the oysters up close to the riverbed, as had been done in the past, they built reefs of various heights above the bed for them to grow on.
Built for a movie of the same name, the Super Van was previously known as the Love Machine, complete with crushed velvet upholstery, a rotating bed and a French-style telephone in the back.
Guests sleep in a thermal sleeping bag on a special bed built of snow and ice, on reindeer skins.
Simply exert a little bit of energy to access a bed, a lounge chair, a table, built in storage, a shower, a toilet, or even the kitchen sink!
Germany led the initial research into pebble-bed nuclear reactors and built its own research version in the 1960s.
St. Elizabeths hospital, first proposed by Dorothea Dix and built before the Civil War, opened a 292-bed facility on the hospital grounds overlooking the Anacostia River in Washington, d.c..
圣伊丽莎白医院是由DorotheaDix提议兴建的并于内战前完工,院内共设有292个床位,可鸟瞰华盛顿市内的阿那卡斯提亚河(Anacostia River)。
Headboard is gotten greatly than the dimension of the bed much ably built-in wall body concealed mirrors at other areas Tibetan light a few light halation elaborate gives quiet quiet night.
The built-in double bed has storage room beneath it for extra bedding and luggage, and a simple cantilevered cork desk doubles as a bedside table.
The model of combustion fraction for dense phase in circulating fluidized bed combustor has been built up, based on thermal balance, gas analysis and total gas amount.
The upper floors are designed to be large enough to house a sitting area, a double bed as well as a bathroom and built-in wardrobe.
Magnets built into the floor and into the bed itself repel each other, pushing the bed up into the air. Thin steel cables tether the bed in place.
"Fish that built cocoons before tucking in to bed at night were protected, much like humans putting on a mosquito net," says Grutter.
In Germany, a study by the Viamedica Foundation showed that a hospital's energy expenditure per bed was roughly the same as that of three newly built homes.
Built for a ship's captain in the mid-1700s, the house is now operated as a bed-and-breakfast.
The test bed of digital control system of DDPV was built in order to test the correction of the mathematical model of DDPV and the feasibility of the digital control system.
The test bed of digital control system of DDPV was built in order to test the correction of the mathematical model of DDPV and the feasibility of the digital control system.