However,separating fact from opinion presents challenges in this age of blogs, sound bites, and bumper-sticker philosophizing.
I'm pretty sure the bumper sticker that reads, "the joy of the journey is not in reaching the destination but in the ride," is one of those simple truths and is most assuredly an ancient wisdom.
Every time I see a bumper sticker that says "Earth First: We'll destroy the other planets later," I chuckle as I am reminded of what a silly idea shooting our litter into space would be.
You think before you print; you buy your organic whatever; you sort-of sympathise with the bumper sticker injunction to "live simply so that others may simply live".
'No one has ever gotten elected where the bumper sticker said,' it would have been worse without me, "he said."
It's sort of like that bumper sticker that says you can't have peace without justice.
Some of these ads are small like a bumper sticker but others can cover the entire car.
They even found ways to sell the phrase, just by printing it on a bumper sticker and various other products.
As a bumper sticker on a Prius parked outside Maine's Department of Labour noted, 61% of Maine did not vote for their governor.
They even found ways to sell thephrase, just by printing it on a bumper sticker and various otherproducts.
God: Yes, you've heard it before. In fact, I've even put it on a bumper sticker for you.
Some of these ads are small like a bumper sticker but other ads can cover the entire car.
People use other-directed identity claims — like Cindy's pompoms and the goddess bumper sticker — to signal how they want to be regarded.
人们使用缺乏自主性的身份宣示- - -比如辛迪的啦啦队花边圆圈和保险杠贴纸女神- - -来表明他们希望别人怎么看他们。
A bumper sticker reads, "It was on fire when I got here," and adorns the bumper of a classic fire truck belonging to the Crucible, an Oakland, Calif., arts learning center.
Remember - the winning Bumper Sticker will be made and sent to Dan, as well as the fan who created it. (The winner also receives a special trophy).
记得-得胜的缓冲挡标签将会被做而且送给丹, 连同产生了它的狂热者。(胜利者也接受一个特别的奖座)。
The bumper sticker chosen will then be "put into production" and sent to Dan, as well as the fan that designed it.
I may not agree with your bumper sticker, but I'll defend to the death to your right to stick it.
You may recall a 2003 Silicon Valley bumper sticker that implored, "Please, God, Just One More Bubble."
You don't laugh at the bumper sticker that exclaims "I pay Visa with Master Card."
And I'm reminded of a bumper sticker that says, 'it's never too late to have a happy childhood ". (Laughter) !"
And I'm reminded of a bumper sticker that says, 'it's never too late to have a happy childhood ". (Laughter) !"