The National Bureau of Statistics also announced changes in how it calculates consumer price inflation.
Housing prices jumped in 65 out of 70 cities in April, according to the National Bureau of Statistics.
The National Bureau of Statistics has said it is actively studying ways to improve the consumer price index.
There were few signs of that in the economic picture provided by the National Bureau of Statistics this week.
The results of a decennial population census by the National Bureau of Statistics in 2010 shows they might be right.
A survey of service sector firms by the National Bureau of Statistics likewise shows many looking to hire new workers.
Retail sales rose 20.8 percent in November, the slowest pace in nine months, the National Bureau of Statistics also said today.
The National Bureau of Statistics report shows the rent cost in Beijing rose 11.4 percent in August, further driving up the local CPI.
YaoJingyuan, chief economist at the National Bureau of Statistics, identified November 2008 to February 2009 as the trough for the recession.
Figures released by China's National Bureau of Statistics in July showed that prices had risen 6.4 percent over the last year-a three-year high.
According to the National Bureau of Statistics, annual GDP growth rose from 6.1% in the first quarter to 7.9% in the second - well above predictions.
Gross domestic product advanced 1.2 percent from the first quarter, when it rose a revised 0.7 percent, the Bureau of Statistics said in Sydney today.
The economic data we've been eagerly awaiting, China's National Bureau of Statistics has just released the key figures for March and the first quarter.
According to the April data from the National Bureau of Statistics, new home prices declined from a month ago in 9 cities and they were stable in 5 cities.
He therefore had to match his sample of families with the much bigger sample in the official household survey carried out by the National Bureau of Statistics.
The average salary of urban employees in China was RMB29229 in 2008, up RMB4297 or 17.2% from the previous year, the National Bureau of Statistics said Thursday.
At the same time, the Australian Bureau of Statistics reported a rebound in both retail sales and building approvals in July, pointing to a recovery in activity.
与此同时,澳大利亚统计局(Australian Bureau of Statistics)公布7月份零售销售和营建许可双双回升,显示经济正在复苏。
The figures released by the National Bureau of Statistics on Thursday represent the seventh straight quarter of easing for the world's second largest economy.
The National Bureau of statistics has not mentioned a precise birth rate figure, though it is possible to come up with a rough estimate using other statistics.
The Purchasing Manager's Index (PMI), tracking activity in factories and workshops, rose for the second successive month, the National Bureau of Statistics said.
According to the statistics released by the National Bureau of statistics in Mar, 10th, purchasing prices of raw materials, fuel, and power increased 9.7% in February.
Contact the national bureau of Statistics Investigation Team in Qingdao, the national taxation bureau, the local taxation bureau, communications, postal departments and units.
Contact the national bureau of Statistics Investigation Team in Qingdao, the national taxation bureau, the local taxation bureau, communications, postal departments and units.