Qianmiqiao buried hill gas reservoir is a complex fracture aquifer gas condensate reservoir.
The method was effective for quantitative prediction in the buried hill carbonate reservoirs.
The negative inversion structure is of importance for the formation of buried hill reservoirs.
The granite buried hill reservoir in block Leng124 shows the percolation characteristics of dual porosity media.
The intersection of fracture system and buried hill zones are favorable accumulation area for dioxide reservoir.
Gas injection mechanism in buried hill reservoir has been studied through analyzing the impact of gas on oil PVT.
The buried hill tuff oil pool of Hanan Oilfield has an unconformable contact with overlying sandstone of Aershan Group.
Interpretation and evaluation for individual well reservoir in buried hill of Leng 124 metamorphic rock was satisfactory.
These buried hill reservoirs with large reserves and high yields take mostly proved oil-gas reserves of Jizhong depression.
This research is in order to found the reserves of buried hill and stabilize the exploration and exploitation in the eastern.
Under the regional south-north stress field and the force of differential compaction, the basement rises and forms buried hill.
The near disposition of source rock, reservoir rock and cap rock is favorable for oil and gas accumulation in buried hill traps.
Qijia oil field in Liaohe region is the first discovered in an Archaeozoic mixed granite buried hill reservoir with high oil yield.
Near the large boundary faults, a small quantity of the unconformity reservoir and the buried hill bedrock reservoir have also been drilled.
It is suggested that oil recovery can be improved in fractured buried hill reservoirs by building underground gas storage while injecting gas.
The fracture network parameters are of importance to the development and the remaining oil potential-tapping of buried hill fracture reservoir.
Small and micro fractures are the most developed fractures in the buried hill reservoir, whose width and areal porosity are positively related.
Compared with the Jiyang Depression, the Dongpu Sag of the Bohaiwan Basin has the basic conditions of forming buried hill hydrocarbon reservoirs.
Carbonates of the buried hill type have become the important targets of oil and gas exploration and production in Shengli petroliferous province.
Reasonable injection pressure and rate can improve the development response of gas injection and the recovery factor of carbonate buried hill reservoir.
"Buried hill" trap system of Jiyang depression can be divided into high, medium and low reservoir system of buried hill according to secondary structure.
Lithology traps and structural traps are mainly found in Mesozoic and Cenozoic strata, while fault block-buried hill traps are primarily in Paleozoic strata.
The fractured hydrocarbon reservoir of Chegu 20 buried hill is featured in its complicated pore space pattern, strong heterogeneity, and complex fluid property.
The features of buried hill reservoir are described, and the use of two-stage cementing method, continuous open stage collar and cement basket is also presented.
Yannan buried hill has been studied and predicted by use of various seismic measures, previous geological understanding and drilling data of Wells in adjacent area.
Yannan buried hill has been studied and predicted by use of various seismic measures, previous geological understanding and drilling data of Wells in adjacent area.