God called out to Moses from a burning bush: "Moses!"
This commentator claims Mt Sinai is in Arabia and is where Moses saw the burning bush.
This wasn't just a burning bush! God's very presence and voice were there speaking to him! Moses was standing before his holy, all-powerful Creator!
So following the theophany at the burning bush, Moses returns to Egypt, and he initiates what will become ultimately a battle of wills between Pharaoh and God.
I always thought Moses sinned merely by striking the rock which somehow, like the burning bush of years earlier (see Exodus 3), was a manifestation of the presence of God.
The medical infusion is prepared with the following materials based on weight proportion: respectively 20g of nux vomica, asarum, khosam, burning bush peel and lobaria kurokauae, and 1000ml vinegar.
其药物是由下述重量份的原料制 成的:马钱子、细辛、苦参、白藓皮、老龙皮各20克,食醋1000毫升。
Bush gave Obama this big ball of fire, and it is burning, domestically and internationally.
Bush gave Obama this big ball of fire, and it is burning, domestically and internationally.