Detailed information of all stations, including first and last train's time, main buildings around, and also bus information.
That same interface could allow users to crowdsource bus information, like whether there is a belligerent passenger on the 14 Mission line.
Caption: Monitor: the bus Information Management System tracks the location of city buses, calculates driving distances and times, and addresses traffic emergencies.
There are more than 100 bus routes in most big cities. When facing numerous and complicated roads or bus information, citizens may feel confuse, to say nothing of visitors.
In phase of the system implement, we coding and debugging for each function according to the results of analysis and design. As a result, we developed the Bus Information Query Service system.
This is a recorded message lasting approximately four minutes and it provides general information on the town bus tour.
Those people who have accurate, reliable up-to-date information to solve the day-to-day problems, the critical problems of their bus iness,social and family life, will survive and succeed.
The information is then used to make bus or train systems better.
For ticket information, please ask at your local station or call 1312. While Queensland Rail makes every effort to ensure trains run as scheduled, there can be no guarantee of connections between trains or between train services and bus services.
That is the significant difference between the two types of compressing interceptor; the compression algorithm and the form of information used in the Bus context or SOAP header is the same.
Messages on the BPC Bus are so called navigational messages, which hold status and processing information about the corresponding processes.
The canonical message model represents the standardized format used for exchanging business information on a service bus.
The grandmother is harassed by the press outside her home for information about her wanted grandson, with the reporters even trying to follow her on to a public bus.
Further, the bus off-ramp optionally publishes information about bus services in UDDI registries.
Pathfinder contained an "information bus", which you can think of as a Shared memory area used for passing information between different components of the spacecraft.
Bus filters, consistent with the Web Services Invocation Framework (WSIF) heritage of the Bus, operate on a canonical form of information rather than a SOAP-specific form as current Axis handlers do.
Lspci -v gives detailed information about every device and chipset connected to the pci bus.
lspci - v给出每个连接到pci总线上的设备和芯片的详细信息。
As outlined in the fourth article in this series, the canonical message model represents the standardized format used for exchanging business information on a service bus.
The meteorological data gathering task ran as an infrequent, low priority thread, and used the information bus to publish its data.
But is often due to the busy work, left on the bus didn't think of product information in company computer.
Refer to the BISS Information Package 2016-2017 for general admissions information, tuition fees, bus routes, and other requirements.
指的是国际清算银行信息包2016- 2017对于一般招生信息、学费、公交线路和其他要求。
Kicker had a slew of open data feeds at its disposal, including bus routes, incident reports, the fastest and safest routes, and parking information.
Moreover, operation information on a field device can be easily acquired online via a remote bus and this information can be used for maintenance.
Guyana even has a catchy slogan: “Get on the BUS — Buy DEC salt, Use DEC salt and Share the information with family and friends.”
Be familiar with the communication protocol and information content of automobile CAN-Bus, which is very important to automobile maintain and application research of automobile network technology.
This device analyses information from fire alarm controller through CAN Bus, and displays occurent fire addresses and alarm types on Chinese LCD module dynamically and in real time.
The measured data of water meter is input by micro-computer to CAN Bus-driver serially. And, through Bus-driver and carrier, network transmission of information is realized.
The CAN Field Bus causes the information to be processed in control field and realize the communication between the control field equipment and the host IPC.
The CAN Field Bus causes the information to be processed in control field and realize the communication between the control field equipment and the host IPC.