He was busily engaged repairing his bike.
The doctor worked busily beneath the blinding lights of the delivery room.
The twelve jurors were all writing very busily on slates.
The robin hopped about busily pecking the soil and now and then stopped and looked at them a little.
"The cat," answered Pinocchio, seeing that little animal busily playing with some shavings in the corner of the room.
When the going gets tough, visualize yourself happily and busily engaged in your goal, and you'll keep working toward it.
The children have worked busily but happily for many hours, making the little baskets for the birds.
"I am making the bed now," the little girl called out again, while she ran busily to and fro.
That schoolgirl was sitting with her feet stretched far out into the aisle, and was busily chewing gum, when the teacher espied her.
The twelve jurors were all writing very busily on slates. 'What are they doing?'
But Derkach's business hasn't been the only coffee shop chain busily expanding across the UK.
Microsoft, for instance, is busily diversified into cable and telecommunications as well as WebTV.
During the spring and summer months when we had our Windows open, we could hear her busily typing away.
But Britain's papers are also exceptionally innovative, busily testing new format sizes and prices.
Back in England, Charles Darwin and his theory of evolution were busily uprooting the Garden of Eden.
Boldwood walked across the fields to the pool, where he found the farm workers busily washing the sheep.
There he saw the child sitting on the floor, and busily digging and rooting about in the cracks in the floor.
他看那男孩正坐在地上,用手指头使劲地在地板缝里挖呀挖的,当他看见客人时,就消失了。 随后客人讲述了他所看到的一切,并且仔细描述了那孩子的模样。
Captains of the automotive industry, hit by the credit crunch, are busily putting their case to the prime minister.
The vehicle, painted white with a red crescent, was parked at the clinic entrance, where Osama was busily cleaning it.
Even as the rating agencies busily revise rich countries' creditworthiness downwards, Indonesia's has been going the other way.
The world was busily working to protect itself from the consequences of the Y2K bug with a lot of coding and a lot of hardware.
A schoolgirl was sitting with her feet stretched far out into the aisle, and was busily chewing gum, when the teacher espied her.
Boffins were busily filling in the blanks in the periodic table and probing unknown atomic phenomena (like radioactivity and bonding).
If there were another Cesc fabregas to be prised out of the Barcelona youth system many clubs would busily be -planning such a move.
People found that reading the Harry Potter books was enjoyable, and so they were busily turning page after page while the world went by.
But that is why the company is busily hiring Chinese staff as future managers—yet another big break from Japan’s insular corporate tradition.
Bill Gates, the Andrew Carnegie of today, is busily giving away the fortune he earned in business-a fact that has irked some prominent critics.
This is why China is still busily negotiating bilateral deals with commodity-rich nations, notably Iran and various countries in sub-Saharan Africa.
This is why China is still busily negotiating bilateral deals with commodity-rich nations, notably Iran and various countries in sub-Saharan Africa.