To be fair, the latest incident may have been the act of a rogue employee, rather than a business-as-usual tactic by Foxconn management.
Given the many moving parts, testing of these components, ahead of full deployment within each environment, should be business-as-usual testing.
Under business-as-usual conditions, Egypt could face a 50 percent increase in greenhouse gas emissions from 2007 levels in the electricity sector alone.
The aim is to begin to embed improvements in development capability across multiple projects so that change becomes part of business as usual.
For all of our combined customers, it will be business as usual, with no changes in products or disruption in service.
Once a change initiative is successfully adopted and well on its way to becoming a "business as usual" approach, the next change initiative, or wave, can begin.
In each case, the equilibrium changed to something new, and in each case, the forecasters wrongly predicted a return to business as usual, again and again.
Finally in Phase 4, upon success, you roll out these capabilities to more teams and projects, on a wider scale, until it becomes business as usual (BAU).
Every new acronym I hear turns out to be another dirty trick designed to allow rich countries to go on with business as usual.
Those enterprises with minimal or AD hoc it governance could muddle through with business as usual.
Their idea of ending business as usual was starting to look like ending the financial world as we know it.
In fact, your foremost goal should be for business as usual with your new software delivery automation solution.
Railways are at a crossroad where business as usual is not sustainable in the long run.
And so there is this idea - people coming to terms with it - that it is increasingly going to be business as usual with the big three ratings agencies.
因此这种观点便是—人们渐渐地达成了共识- - -那就是渐渐地和往常一样与三大评级机构进行生意往来。
While this is business as usual, the arrival of new technology brings extra considerations with it that have to be dealt with.
The model of these Banks has got to change fundamentally: it ain't business as usual.
It's true that scientists don't know exactly how much world temperatures will rise if we persist with business as usual.
The rest within IBM were pretty spineless, trying to continue with business as usual and caring only for their own division's next-quarter sales outlook.
Missed deadlines, postponed features, or a rising backlog of defects become accepted by-products of our development lifecycles — business as usual.
If their balance sheets are looking cleaner there is little sense of business as usual at Europe's Banks, particularly with regard to compensation.
Kozul-Wright says the LDC's must break free of their dependence on trade in exports because business as usual will not deliver growth.
The latter, in particular, fears disruption to business as usual and the spoils system.
Lighting, however, also helped clue viewers in to the fact that this picture wasn't business as usual.
The continuation of business as usual means doing nothing to reduce emissions.
"He had a chat with the staff and it's very much business as usual," a News of the World source said.
"He had a chat with the staff and it's very much business as usual," a News of the World source said.