This group has the fewest privileges necessary to perform basic tasks in Business Activity Services that do not require capability to configure business processes.
From these modeling aspects, identification of business services is an important activity, which is one-to-one mapping to an it service realization.
The assemble phase USES the existing and newly built services to implement each activity in the business process.
The Business Analyst focuses on the architectural placement of central processes and services that sustain branch activity and on how they access the required data.
If the services are at the right level of granularity, they perform business meaningful actions, and therefore statistics about their activity are of interest to the business.
Service Aggregation is an activity where a business entity interacts with a variety of service providers to re-brand, host, or offer a composite of services to its customers.
Instead of reducing your business concentration, consider providing services outside your core business or activity. In doing so, you'll add value to your account.
The key element of a business process is the Invoke activity, which represents the invocation of a generic service, as described by the Services Oriented Architecture.
业务流程的关键元素是Invoke活动,正如面向服务的体系结构(Services Oriented Architecture)所描述,它代表了一般服务的调用。
Relaxed isolation, among other things, is the subject of a different web services transaction specification aimed at more loosely controlled environments: Web Services Business Activity (WS-BA).
在其它事物之间,不严格隔离属于不同的Web服务事务规范,这种事务规范针对大多数宽松的受控环境:Web 服务业务活动(WS-BA)。
This activity helps in the identification of business-aligned services and ensures that services have not been identified during domain decomposition or existing asset analysis.
Web Services Business Activity (WS-BA) helps standardize the way transactions are rolled back in a multi-phase commit process.
Web服务业务活动(WS - BA)帮助规范化多阶段提交过程中事务的回滚方式。
As a business value-added activity, the extent of internal auditing is constantly expanding, in such ways as financial audit, performance audit, assessment services, and new staff training and so on.
As a business value-added activity, the extent of internal auditing is constantly expanding, in such ways as financial audit, performance audit, assessment services, and new staff training and so on.