If only PO Box is provided in this form, please state your business address in additional sheet.
But it should not scream too much that people cannot find your business address and contact Numbers.
Albert your business address or you business card, so he could send his expectation to request samples.
The mailing address you provide must be the residential address of a person or the business address of a firm.
Very likely you need to do this more than once: you might be interested in the user’s home address, business address, shipping address, and billing address.
These rogue Internet pharmacies are operated internationally, they have no registered business address and sell products that have an unknown or unclear origin.
Diversity, it seems, has not helped to address fundamental weaknesses in business leadership.
My business CARDS have the wrong address because I haven't updated them in 5 years.
Some examples of business items are order documents, customer address, and bills of materials.
These architectures are defined to support the functional, technical, and data needs of the system that will address business questions posed by users.
The ability to purchase starter packs gives customers the flexibility to address their business needs while building their records management solution in a modular fashion.
Not all these virtualization technologies, though, address the same business needs or provide the same benefits.
You just created an empty BAPI transaction that will create an employee address SAP business object.
The technology is being leveraged in many industries to address unique business scenarios utilizing common usage and architectural patterns.
To enable a proper dialogue between peers, the address must have business semantics; it must belong to a business transaction.
The technology is being leveraged by many industries to address unique business scenarios utilizing common usage and architectural patterns.
These relationships support collaboration in a number of well-defined contexts, so small teams of business and IT people can collaborate to address specific needs of the business.
For example, the SAP server typically contains an employee address business object in the BOR.
The scenarios were described as high-level business activities that address specific business goals.
Mail to home Address: Mail your business greeting card to the home if you know the small business owner.
This means that you can more easily leverage different combinations of services to address business needs.
Of course, it is prudent to reserve at least a portion of your it budget for larger initiatives that can address major business issues or changes.
Therefore, all of your organization's efforts should address the business needs of your company or lines of business.
A composite pattern combines multiple business and integration patterns to address a larger set of common requirements.
The most obvious symptom is the strong opposition of some technical managers in a corporation to consider SOA as a serious approach to address legitimate business problems.
最明显的症状就是公司中的一些技术管理人员强烈反对将 SOA作为处理合法业务问题的正式方法。
These mechanisms enable an it architect and business analyst to address asynchronous requirements 1, 5, and 6 in the list above.
For example, banking and insurance industries often need to address such business areas as product management, financial management, account management, customer relationship management, etc.
Then your group can discuss which ones could help you focus on the business drivers and address the initiatives that you uncovered in the previous steps.
Skip two lines and type the recipient's full name, business title and address, aligned at the left margin.
Skip two lines and type the recipient's full name, business title and address, aligned at the left margin.