You are welcome to visit our factory for business discussion that could prove to be mutually beneficial for all concerned.
With first class quality and service, our company is requesting the pleasure of clients and looking forward to business discussion.
English is over grade 6, strong capability in language organization and expression, can communicate with customer in English fluently for business discussion.
Although there had been some discussion among the team about skipping the business modeling effort, we felt that the effort had paid off.
In this task, the results are compiled, annotated, and summarized for presentation and discussion with the business and project team.
You might compile a list of initiatives that are either under discussion or identified in the enterprise business strategy but not yet started.
This requires careful discussion and the referencing of the case flows and business rules generated in the requirements discussions to make sure both systems have what they need to be integrated.
The discussion that follows gives an overview and explanation of the business logic of the process.
How to model a data warehouse is probably one of the most controversial issues in the business intelligence field, and this article does not enter that discussion.
The whole discussion about the costs, ROI or marketing of SOA boils down to one thing: Business and IT have to adopt a common mindset - a service-oriented mindset.
Rather than give a detailed discussion on SOMA here, I will focus on the concept of designing SOA with a business focus.
Similar to the discussion about software requirements and their association to business rules, business rules could be linked to a particular use-case step.
We must reposition the discussion of SOA into a clear business context and remove the emphasis on SOA for SOA's sake.
A: For the purposes of this discussion I have assumed that answer is "business continuity," and that you wouldn't really be all that bothered about losing a few application sessions.
A discussion of industry surveys including competitive analysis rounds out the business case discussion for the IBM solution set.
The discussion represents an emerging law of Enterprise 2.0 Inevitably, a consumer trend in the social technology space will start to seep into the business world.
Another friend, who prefers to remain anonymous, remembers coming home to find his father mopping up blood and broken glass from their front room after "a lively discussion" with a business associate.
Business process modeling is no longer a modeling exercise for documentation and discussion purposes, but the process models become a direct input into business-driven development [10, 14].
The book consists of eight sections: the first provides an overview of how business decisions are made, followed by an extensive discussion of calculating the time value of money.
Needless to say, the actual business of getting cooperative, worldwide action on climate change would be much more complicated and tendentious than this discussion suggests.
This discussion is presented with a desire to reinforce the concept of coupling SOA design with a business focus.
之所以有这篇文章,我的目的是希望能够增强将 SOA设计与以业务为中心相结合的概念。
"I know that the owners will get the books I want, engage in discussion, and supply the sort of service that is intimately connected with the whole business of reading." Morpurgo agreed.
While this is sometimes hard to tell (and is often driven by the product (s) you use), a good starting point for the discussion is to think of infrastructure logic versus business logic.
According to Len Hynds, former head of the National High-Tech Crime Unit, targeting and disruption of hacking groups such as the Russian Business Network has long been a topic of discussion at Soca.
In the discussion chapter following this story, Norgaard ranges outside the business world to take on the issues of how we relate to our work and how our work relates to the rest of our lives.
In the discussion chapter following this story, Norgaard ranges outside the business world to take on the issues of how we relate to our work and how our work relates to the rest of our lives.