Bentley is also a business executive with over 25 years of experience in consulting and sales.
During the week, she coordinates the group visits and works as a personal assistant to a business executive.
The CTO, along with a business executive, oversees the activities of the COE, and they provide updates to the CIO.
To a business executive, it provides a set of business services that her business can offer to clients and partners.
Charity will be implemented in business plan, in the form of a business executive, charity can take long walk longer.
All are experienced climbers, including Levine, a 36-year-old business executive from San Francisco who organized the team.
Steve Jobs thus became the greatest business executive of our era, the one most certain to be remembered a century from now.
EXAMPLE: The dishonest business executive kept many of his deals off the books, but eventually the tax officials discovered his deceptions.
After years as a business executive, Ms. Trump has suddenly found herself without a clear path to walk as she adjusts to life in Washington.
One Swiss-based business executive, who spoke on the condition ofanonymity because of sensitive family issues, said she weighed the decision for10 years.
To a business executive, SOA creates a set of services that the business wants to expose to its customers and partners or to other portions of the organization.
Before joining SoftBank, Arora had been the top business executive at Google, having risen in the search giant's ranks after running its highly profitable European business.
One expert judging the LawWithoutWalls projects, in fact, was Mark Harris, an attorney who, burned out by Big Law's treadmill, co-founded Axiom in 2000 with business executive Alec Guettel.
一位评价法律无围墙项目的专家,马克.哈里斯(Mark Harris),事实上他是一名律师,被大律师的繁重工作搞得筋疲力竭,2000年他与一名业务主管阿莱克.格特尔(AlecGuettel)共同创建了Axiom。
Microsoft's top Windows business executive said Monday that for all his excitement about Windows 7, he doubts the release of the operating system will lead to a significant spike in PC sales.
微软高级副总裁Bill Veghte周一称 虽然Windows7的推出令人欢欣鼓舞,但他怀疑这款新操作系统能否对PC销量起到足够的刺激作用 。 他说:“ 历史证明以往的每次Windows操作系统更新换代都只能对PC市场造成有限的影响,你会看到Windows7的促进作用,不过那将是很有限的 。”
Occasionally youmay have a close relationship with someone who typically getscalled Sir, Madam, Mr or Mrs (for example, a business executive, acelebrity, a professor or a person older than yourself).
"They blame it on the manufacturing recession," says Birgit Klohs, chief executive of The Right Place, a business development agency for western Michigan.
While 53% believe men will continue to hold more top executive positions in business in the future, 44% say it's only a matter of time before as many women are in top executive positions as men.
Business transformation is a key executive management initiative that attempts to align the technology initiatives of a company more closely with its business strategy and vision.
In business the returning chief executive of yesteryear can still have a significant role to play.
Risk managers who said no put themselves on a collision course with the business head and often the chief executive too.
In a recent business magazine article, a top executive was quoted, "Laughter in the work place is a waste of time."
The Executive Summary offers synopsis of the business plan, and highlights the key points raised within.
“He was doing some financial business, ” said Ding Shouyu, a former Aomi executive who left the company shortly before its collapse.
Expect the vendor to provide some best practices recommendation and business justification for you to get executive buy in.
It all confirms France's general lack of sympathy for business, complains one executive.
Unfortunately, the Competency Center became a technology think-tank and quickly became isolated from the lines of business, with overall executive sponsorship evaporating as a result.
Unfortunately, the Competency Center became a technology think-tank and quickly became isolated from the lines of business, with overall executive sponsorship evaporating as a result.