Your mission is to create a UML model for the business logic, and to code the application.
Many enterprise services are centrally funded through their ownership by an organization that owns the mission of the service's business capabilities for the entire enterprise.
This was a team that really believed in the mission of ensuring customer success, and which took personal responsibility for every aspect of the business.
Articulating the mission, business goals, and project goals lays the foundation for a common understanding between client and designer.
They are responsible for governing the delivery of services consistent with the corporate mission, strategy and business plans.
ASIP is a signals intelligence sensor payload developed by Northrop Grumman Mission Systems sector's Electromagnetic Systems Laboratory business unit for use on both the U-2 and Global Hawk.
ASIP是一个用于U - 2侦察机和“全球鹰”无人机的信号情报传感器载荷,由诺斯罗普·格鲁曼公司任务系统分部的电磁系统实验室商业部门开发。
For partners who start a business together, writing a plan ensures that everyone is on the same page when it comes to the company's mission and strategies.
We specialize in time-sensitive and mission-critical business solution development for a wide variety of industries.
The mission answers the question: What is our reason for being in business?Defining the organization's mission forces managers to identify what it's in business to do.
Arts Administrationis the business end of an arts organization responsible for facilitating the day-to-day operation of the organization and fulfilling its mission.
A mission statement defined a company's business and provides a clear view of what the company is trying to accomplish for its customers.
The MIS is developed for transmission and distribution production and adapted for business management of trans-mission and distribution department in power supply enterprises.
开发完成的输变电管理信息系统在这些方面作了有益的尝试。 它主要适用于供电企业输、变电工区的业务管理。
The MIS is developed for transmission and distribution production and adapted for business management of trans-mission and distribution department in power supply enterprises.
开发完成的输变电管理信息系统在这些方面作了有益的尝试。 它主要适用于供电企业输、变电工区的业务管理。