Say I'm contracting from you to have a certain business operation performed on my behalf .
Business error scenarios - Detailed description of condition that flags the business operation as invalid.
The amount of such exclusive business operation funds shall be as approved by the Competent Authority.
In the end it is discus sed the mode of business operation and the factors affecting the insurance pricing.
E-commerce transactions are carried out electronically providing a new type of service business operation mechanism.
The service provider must provide an interface with locale information in order to support a multilingual business operation.
The service provider must provide an interface with locale information in order to provide a multilingual business operation.
Commercial culture is the sum of material culture and spiritual culture reflected in course of commercial business operation.
When a corporation has more business diversification, its business performance risk declines and business operation risk rises.
The findings will help us understand the business case for embedding diversity into business operation of multinational companies.
After the code corresponding to a business operation has been located, documented, and found worthy of reuse, the next step it to wrap it.
What I want to say is that the Internet is transforming business operation patterns and contributing to what is called the new information economy.
Second, some enterprises face difficulties in their business operation and the establishment of a modern corporate system would be a long-term task.
Within the context of WebSphere, a business process is a choreographed set of activities that, collectively, represents a real-world business operation.
By collecting a set of services together, it is possible to build an arbitrarily complex business operation, all seamlessly interacting across a distributed network.
In my office clerical work in the process, felt the post office clerk in the business operation process of convergence and coordination plays an important role.
Governance patterns are derived from studying how different parts of the business interact to support the overall business operation and provide services to customers.
In other words, it determines when a business event has occurred or failed to occur (based on pattern or rule definitions) and invokes a business operation as a result.
Units engaged in small-scale production or business operation that may be exempted from such organizations shall assign part-time persons to emergency rescue tasks.
Units engaged in small-scale production or business operation that may be exempted from such organizations shall assign part-time persons to emergency rescue tasks.