Business Registration Certificate and the latest Profits Tax Demand Note, if you are self-employed.
Wangjianming mouth "company" is not a real company, neither in the business registration, no office location.
Please provide your Business Registration Certificate and latest Profit Tax Demand Note if you are a company owner.
If self employed: business registration documents confirming the business owner's name and the date the business started trading.
That classification, content, impoundment, loss and outside usage of the business registration archives should be ruled in detail.
Certified copy of the Certificate of Incorporation, Business Registration Certificate, Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Client.
The establishment of a business must be through registration. However, the business registration institution in China still has a lot of problems.
Companies and business entities shall submit company licenses, registration certificates for entities for profit or business registration certificates.
The actual shareholders, company and the mala fide third party should not deny the status of shareholders because of the lack of business registration.
If the beneficial owner is a corporation, a certified copy of its Certificate of Incorporation and Business Registration Certificate should be provided.
Checkout, is in the foundation of all economic business registration for a certain period of occurrence, calculate and record the amount and final balance.
As the characterization of commercial credit, the business registration occupies an important place in the legislation of commercial subject and commercial activities.
By mail, fax, electronic data interchange, and other enterprise applications for pre-approved name, in accordance with the business registration procedures to implement.
Business registration due out detailed accounts payable, the preparation of an aged analysis of the table and urge the recovery of accounts receivable in a timely manner.
Senegal, the region’s leading reformer, reduced business startup time from 58 days to eight, when it streamlined business registration and merged seven startup procedures into one.
Business registration order is a system of the states governing institutes of registration that legally confirm the establishment, modification and qualifying expiry of dealers.
In the pension business activities, in accordance with the relevant scale, standards and technical requirements, should apply for business registration in accordance with the law.
Some examples of document-intensive government services include motor vehicle registration and payment, social services delivery, business registration, and inter-government communication.
With the new electronic service, the time required for company incorporation and business registration will be significantly reduced from four working days at present to less than one day.
If the investment side for Hong Kong companies: to provide business registration certificate and registration certificate and copy of the original Hong Kong's two original notarized documents.
To register, customers and business partners had to submit essentially redundant basic registration information, such as name, address, and email address, for each external site.
The UGI Committee is exploring a business model that includes fee-based registration and utilization, low cost of acquisition, and variable costs for higher level services.
The UGI Committee is exploring a business model that includes fee-based registration and utilization, low cost of acquisition, and variable costs for higher level services.