Like you, a bit, but smarter, taller and better looking.
So what we're looking at in this chopping tool is the moment at which we became distinctly smarter and with an impulse not just to make things, but to imagine how we could make things 'better'.
We have tried to have water effects and other things using different types of resins, but its usually easier and better looking in these cases to just use a computer.
The camera isn't looking straight down, but is pointed 22 degrees east so we get a better view of the crater's slopes, " comparable to a view from an airplane window," the university says.
It does seem that we are not settled, we think we are, but we are still looking for somewhere else where something is better - where it's warmer, it's more pleasant.
The American job market is tough for many workers, but things are looking even better than usual for highly paid engineers and scientists in Silicon Valley.
But when I mention the connection to security, suddenly things like solar power start looking a lot better.
The non-interesting psychological answer, some people are better looking and there's more thing-- but the deeper answer is some people are better able to smile.
The sad fact is, Diaspora could be better than Facebook in a bunch of ways-its user interface is cleaner and better looking, for example-but in the end that might not matter.
But after I mentioned this E-mail in the comments of our previous discussion, I received many requests to share the information. I hope it's useful to those of you who are looking for better sleep!
Personally, I recommend Lucida, not because I need the buttons that Helvetireader gets rid of, but because it's better looking. Shallow, I know.
But looking ahead, industrial property is likely to outperform retail, which is in turn likely to do better than offices, says Mr Gilmartin.
Not only is he a crossdresser, but he's also a better looking woman than I am. FML
Others, like Amy Haberland, 50, a breast cancer patient in Arlington, Mass., pore through medical journals, looking not just for answers but also for better questions to ask their doctors.
还有,住在麻省阿灵顿市的Amy Haberland,是一名50岁的乳腺癌患者,钻研各种医学期刊,不仅为找寻答案,还为了向医生提出更有质量的问题。
Now, some of you who are very cynical and/or very good looking might wonder "yes, but good-looking people like me actually are smarter, more competent, more social and morally better."
The Android interface is getting better, but you might get tired of looking at that while bar at the top.
I was certain I was going to die, but at thirteen dying is better than looking bad.
But this is like looking for one's lost keys under the lamppost because the light is better there.
But looking at feedback from more than 65,000 alumni, gathered annually by the Financial Times since the third Global MBA ranking in 2001, what motivates MBA students is getting a better job.
It's not as popular as osCommerce, so help and guidance is not so freely available, but it's a darn sight better looking.
Because of many of us so-called practitioner, Buddhist, spiritual person we maybe meditating, we maybe renouncing, but also actually somewhere deep inside we are just looking for a better life.
Summer's here and university students are busy looking for internships to improve their chances and help them get a better job. Internships: not easy but worth it.
That is true, but there are men who have scrambled to the top of long-established companies without the advantages of some of their better-looking peers.
Looking better already, you can see things more clearly, but it'smissing something, is it not?
We are not advocating capital controls but are looking for improved transparency, accountability and better supervision of hedge fund operations.
It may make the reader feel better for a time, but in the end they are back in the self-help section looking for another fix. the real secret in "the secret" is that it doesn't work!
There seems to be a rumor going around that I'll be looking for something better soon, but actually I'm pretty happy here.
I know that committed staff perform better and will stay longer with my company; but what are committed staff looking for?
I know that committed staff perform better and will stay longer with my company; but what are committed staff looking for?