Flying Foxes not only see well during daylight, but can also distinguish colors.
Known as passive cooking, this on-and-off technique not only saves energy but can also help avoid overcooking vegetables such as corn on the cob.
This demonstrates that blindness is not limited to recent preference selections, but can also occur for intensity and frequency.
Creativity is not limited, I mean, to the masterpiece work of art but can also be found in everyday tasks such as cooking or gardening.
For a service principal, it is usually a secret key but can also be a TGT.
The PDSH shell is similar in many ways to PSSH but can also manage system images.
Yoga not only brings relief but can also help you accept and embrace the body you're in.
Templates usually produce HTML output, but can also produce XML or any other type of document.
A transaction can complete after one row is processed but can also finish after multiple rows.
The splot command is Cartesian by default but can also support spherical and cylindrical coordinates.
These registry variables can improve concurrency, but can also impact the behavior of the application.
Typically, these are standard partitions but can also be Linux software RAID volumes that we've created.
这些通常是标准分区,但也可以是我们已创建的Linux Software raid卷。
SQL parameters found in your SQL statement are automatically discovered but can also be manually defined.
This is typically most prevalent with terms like addresses and names but can also apply to other business terms.
Unfortunately, errors and bad coding practices are not only unprofessional but can also slow down your application.
This new line of floor fans offer oscillation like traditional fans, but can also be adjusted up and down to any height.
Food processing destroys some nutrients, but can also inactivate toxins and increase the availability of other nutrients.
Nicknames can often reinforce the identity and branding of the building, but can also conflict with the corporate vision.
That is because, honesty not only renders clients temporary satisfaction, but can also build long-term customer trust.
This design can be used in low-power monochromatic mode for reading, but can also switch to backlit colour mode when needed.
The content pane will usually show the text of your review, but can also contain additional tabs for results, figures, etc.
内容面板(content pane)通常显示综述的文本,但是也包括额外的标签页,如结果、图像等。
It can cause minor bleeding from the nose or gums, but can also cause severe fever and shock and without treatment can kill.
This reflection often leads to personal strategies for improvement but can also lead to Suggestions for overall process improvement.
If you do not have an overall cache policy design, it can not only give you bad performance, but can also invoke some functional defects.
Dioxins are mainly by products of industrial processes but can also result from natural processes, such as volcanic eruptions and forest fires.
When the browser is fighting errors and bad coding practices, loading not only takes more time but can also lead to difficult-to-debug errors.
Those enable you to be functional in society, but can also fuel one's "default mode" of self-centeredness and self-absorption to an extreme degree.
LCBO customers are encouraged to bring their own reusable bags, but can also request handle-less LCBO paper bags or buy reusable bags at the store.
Though many people may think women still lag behind men, women are now not only expected to work, but can also be ambitious in their career choices.
The notes not only provide specific information for columns or tables, but can also be utilized to track progress or status through a given source.