But he resigned after failing to adhere to a campaign pledge to revise a plan to relocate an enormous and enormously unpopular American Marine base in Okinawa.
So he quit his job, resigned his commission, ended his marriage, sold his house, and left America, all in the span of one long, terrible, lonely, exhausting, but satisfying week.
"When Hatoyama went into office, his T-shirts didn't sell but they soared after he resigned," company executive Tomohiro Miyake said。
"When Hatoyama went into office, his T-shirts didn't sell but they soared after he resigned, " company executive Tomohiro Miyake said.
The head of the MMS resigned on May 27th; but, as Mr Obama's critics rightly point out, he backed expanded offshore drilling before fixing the tarnished regulator.
"But," he says, "it will give millions of families resigned to financial ruin a chance to rebuild."
But after clashing with some of his colleagues and hospital administrators, he resigned and, with his wife, set up the Associated Researchers for Human Reproduction (RAPRUI) clinic.
A lot of people would have resigned in the face of such accusations, but he stayed and toughed out.
"According to British media reports, the reason he resigned not because of their incompetence, but the" backfire ", his wife was having an affair with his bodyguards."
A lot of people would have resigned in the face of such accusations, but he stayed and toughed it out.
Ricky Ponting has resigned as Australia captain but says he wants to play on for the team.
Mr Coulson says he resigned to take responsibility for what happened "on his watch", but knew nothing of the illegal voicemail hacking.
But less in a year later in August of 1974, Nixon resigned because of Watergate. Had he not, congress might had removed him from office.
But less in a year later in August of 1974, Nixon resigned because of Watergate. Had he not, congress might had removed him from office.