But how can it be launched quickly on a stormy night at low tide when the sea has retreated down a steep bank of shingle and out across several kilometres of boggy sand?
"But how long can you stay in the house?"—"I don't know. It depends."
“但你能在这屋里待多久?” — “不知道,这要看情况而定。”
The issue is not just how the team can function more effectively, but how it integrates with the overall organization, all society that it supposedly serves.
It isn't actually known how many sites there are across Australia where rock art can be found—but unfortunately, we do know that much of the art is being lost to us.
The issue is not just how the team can function more effectively, but how it integrates with the overall organization or society that it supposedly serves.
The sandbox is time-boxed, but there is no limit to how much you can use it.
The ability to do almost anything you like is powerful, but it can also lead to uncertainty about how to establish a standard approach to development.
Maybe nobody teaches you how to be a good leader, but you can learn it on your own.
"I cannot find out how to make more of this medicine," he said, "but you can have what's left I don't need it anymore.
But faced with the plight of those families in Nampula, how can we throw it away?
His most famous example was riding a bicycle: we can do it but without quite knowing how.
But then, how can you write a client without knowing the URIs that it needs to connect to?
The reviewers are not interested in the defect, but in what caused the defect and how it can be fixed.
This book teaches us all a very valuable lesson about life, it happens but it's how you choose to react to it that can break you or make you stronger.
The Kepler mission has the opposite problem: it can measure a planet's size, by how much starlight it blocks, but not the mass.
This action sounds extremely simple, but you won't believe how much it can bring you a wonderful day.
But how well it can fulfill its manifesto pledges-repeated with worthy insistence on the campaign trail-will depend on many factors.
People will cringe to listen to it, but when they think about it, it's remarkable how accurate it can be.
This one sounds a bit woo-woo, but it just means figuring out how you can improve the situation, and jumping on it.
“We often remark on how healthy or unhealthy someone looks, but it can be very difficult to say precisely how we know this, ” said lead researcher Vinet Coetzee.
主要研究人员Vinet Coetzee说:“我们经常评论某人多么健康或多么不健康,但很难详细说出健康与不健康的界定。”
Not only do we have system we can understand here, but it shows us how evolution could have tinkered with variation.
So it's no surprise that all these opposing forces are held in some kind of balance - but how long can it be kept up?
The likely answer is a little of both, but the question highlights how difficult it can be to have a perspective on what’s big and what’s small.
So yes, I suppose you might call it gold country, but how can anyone think about gold with bears round every corner?
Self-promotion, for example, is a valuable skill, but it benefits everyone to realize how much it can distort perceptions of quality.
Self-promotion, for example, is a valuable skill, but it benefits everyone to realize how much it can distort perceptions of quality.