Maybe, purely you can say it is a penalty but how many times is that not given?
It does not matter how many times you get knocked down, but how many times you get up.
But how many times have you waited in a long line just to pay a lot for a cup of coffee or a sandwich?
"Your fifth husband!" replied the gentleman. "Forgive me for asking, but how many times have you been married?"
"Your fifth husband! " replied the gentleman. "Forgive me for asking, but how many times have you been married?"
Everyday, when we go out from the door, our mom will remind us to be careful, but how many times do you say any sweet words to your mom?
每一天,当我们出门前,妈妈总会叮嘱我们要注意 安全,但有多少次你们又对妈妈说过甜言蜜语呢?
Computers were supposed to free us from manual labor, but how many times have you performed some task you felt sure the computer should be able to do?
As a kid, I loved to watch cartoons, but no matter how many times I asked to watch them, my parents would not let me.
I'd set up my equipment many times with no trouble, but this particular day I had difficulty figuring out how to connect all the parts.
Writing a test for a simple one-line tag might seem excessive, but you'd be surprised how many times the one-liners end up being the source of trouble.
The scene in which the gang break into the house was shot many times, but Kubrick wasn’t happy with how it looked.
The scene in which the gang break into the house was shot many times, but Kubrick wasn't happy with how it looked.
"I'd love to do it, but I can't fit another thing into my schedule." How many times have you heard that-including out of your own mouth?
How many times has this happened to you: a friend recommended you a movie or a restaurant, so you went there all excited - but ended up disappointed?
I can't recall how many times I have told people about this concept but I haven't ever written it down-so now is the time.
I perspire a little, not because I am nervous -i have been through this thing God knows how many times -but because the central heating here is very good.
I perspire a little, not because I am nervous - I have been through this thing God knows how many times - but because the central heating here is very good.
How many times do we know the kids need to be disciplined but, because we're tired, we don't do it?
My husband and I are now preparing for a move, and it’s amazing how many things have moved with me several times in the past but have never been used.
I can't remember how many times [they gave me shocks], but it must have been dozens.
We all know about the importance of going to sleep at a regular time, but how many of us pay attention to meal times?
In map Rules, the order in which the input values for a functional map are specified does not affect how many times the map is called, but it does affect the order in which the output objects appear.
But they've had critics time and again that have said that's not the case because how many times can you get it wrong?
I knew, deep down, I would view them differently, but I couldn't really recall exactly how it would feel (though I'd experienced the doom of a gray day many, many times before).
We all know about the importance of going to sleepat a regular time, but how many of us pay attention to meal times?
A trip I planned so many times, but always delayed it, for how could you go anywhere!
2: For crying out loud! Jack took my tennis racket again. How many times have I told him I don't mind letting him use it, but he at least has to ask first in case I need it myself!
I am quite clear as to the reality and vividness of the unblocking which follows, because I have many times been a party to its occurrence, but I am not sure how it may best be described.
I do not know how many times I have seen users request a news portlet, but haven't identified who is creating the news.
I do not know how many times I have seen users request a news portlet, but haven't identified who is creating the news.