Sorry to have missed you, but I’m at the doctor's having my brain and heart removed so I can be promoted to our management team.
For these students, I will not argue with them face to face, but laugh at them in heart: Since you look down upon those who can do well in the exam, why don't you demonstrate your own abilities?
Sorry to have missed you, but I'm at the doctor's having my brain and heart removed so I can be promoted to our management team.
To my heart full of space, I will be out of some forgotten, because I have been growing, but I do not know whether they can truly had forgotten!
But, the reality is cruel, I have too many things to do, too many winding road to go, I can only put down the heart thought, back to the materialistic society, continue to be a lonely wanderer.
When I have loved too intoxicated when someone close to me that you really are crazy, you are a world apart from your heart that he was, but also what can be stuffed into your head that fool do?
Watching him holding a broom to sweep the shadow, when I read that love is not words, or not exist, but a word of inadvertently can give comfort heart.
I love your looks, but also love your heart, even if I can not make you happy, at least to be happy with you.
Have to admit the reality of the cruel, cruel fate, I can hear their heart-breaking voice, broken hearts, but also should not healed?
Learning to speak good English takes a lot of hard work, but don't lose heart. I know you can do it.
Biology teacher: I really don't want to go, but... You know, I have heart disease, can't stand excitement, but I can not excited?
I can't love you obsessively for much longer. This season is all I have left to give, my heart can take the pounding, my mind can handle the grind, but my body knows it's time to say goodbye.
I know I've done everything to break your heart, but now I know that I was wrong, I hope you can forgive me.
Your heart has not belong to me, but I am also looking forward to your response, knowing that can not be, but still be traction.
A heart, can hide how many secrets, want to say too much, but I do not know where to start.
My father seldom says that he loves me. But I can feel his care and love to me, and I also do love him in my deep heart.
Everyone in the joy of Christmas Eve, and I can not forgive you, but you know my heart is full of your shadow, you want to.
Sorry to have missed you, but I'm at the doctors having my brain and heart removed so I can be promoted to our management team.
Today, my grandfather told me that finally blooming sunflowers, and I am very glad to my heart, but to hear it like a straw hat to wear when the I can not help but burst out laughing.
In my heart, I can be willing to lose someone, but in my actions, do everything I can to make sure the person feels so loved that he would never want to leave.
But he said the lack of any point, I really do not know what their shortcomings, to do their day was completed, but this is, the heart can not be met.
It's humbling to see a crowd like this, but in my heart I know you didn't just come here for me; you came here because you believe in what this country can be.
The symptoms may appear to be the same as those of a man suffering from a heart attack, but this man, I assure you, can be saved by the Heimlich Maneuver!
Perhaps, this is all the way is flat, and perhaps the heart-pounding step by step, but I can only choose to go, for life, can only be a person's journey alone.
At first, I am very unwilling to do it, but later I find that I am full of energy and can listen to the lesson with all my heart.
In fact, the heart is, and I am disgusted with the poor quality of the people who go in, for example, make much noise and so on, but they can not be refused entry to the grounds.
In fact, the heart is, and I am disgusted with the poor quality of the people who go in, for example, make much noise and so on, but they can not be refused entry to the grounds.