Every obstacle has a method to be settled, but in one word, it is a beautiful wish to the bride.
Theoretically, different people thinking of the same word or image would have the same activity in their brains, but since no one really knows exactly how the brain works, this is not certain.
But it can also be one of the most insightful and thought-provoking exercises in building branded perceptions around that one word.
The ordinary name would have fitted the metre quite as well. But this was the one word in the whole poem on which I had pinned my hopes.
But then, while no one wants to think of extinction, the word is far less of an abstraction in Hawaii than in other places.
Everything I had put in my brain poured out the other side. I managed to pass the exams, but if you asked me one word in French or German a week later, I was done.
We then learn that we may be able to say a swear word in one social context, but not another.
In one sense, you're still depending on the word of others; open source does remove a major barrier by giving you the program code but that's only part of the puzzle.
But one can often be in doubt about the effect of a word or a phrase, and one needs rules that one can rely on when instinct fails. I think the following rules will cover most cases.
“Photo” and “Photography” are the same word repeated twice but in different ways because your audience might use either one when performing a search query.
“Photo”和 “Photography”是相同的意思但用不同的方法重复了两次,因为你的读者可能用它们中的一个来执行一次搜索。
I told him in massage of handset after I have deposited eight hundred rmb, but he has only replied one word to me:" good "!
Suddenly you see a man standing in the middle of the road. He is wearing an expensive suit and nice shoes, but he doesn't speak - not one word.
When someone is knitting a scarf or a sweater the phrase knit one purl two mightfit the context, but in this case the purl is a different word spelled P U R Land comes from a source meaning “twist.”
而当某位女士针织围巾或是毛衣的时候,她所用的口诀“正一针,倒两针(knit one,purl two)”也许挺符合本文的语境。不过,这个例子里的单词purl拼写却完全不同——PU R L ——它的来源有着“旋转(twist)”的意思。
In the case of a word like democracy, not only is there no agreed definition, but the attempt to make one is resisted from all sides.
One word of caution: The site tells those of us living in the eastern part of the United States to jump at 6:39:13 because we are five hours behind GMT, but that is not true in July.
Living in an abundant environment but operating on the assumption that good things are scarce leads to a host of dysfunctions that can be summed up in one word: excess.
But it must be clearly understood that "Society," in that sense of the word, is merely one of a hundred Rings, and snobbery therefore only one form of the longing to be inside.
It is strang that she looks so weak, but no one in my class will against her word.
It is strang that she looks so weak, but no one in my class will against her word.
At one of the box off ices a golden mexican voice told her in perfect english that the word she wanted was not cine but noticias.
Interesting thesis, but don't use the word 'platform' in the title. No one knows what it means.
Home, is just a word, but after the confused feeling, everything in the world, after the world people entangled noise, one of the most warm place.
On the other hand, a word which has cultural connotation in one language may not have any cultural connotation in another but correspond to it through its contextual meaning.
We can describe and explain what has already occurred; but thinking we can predict and control nature in the future is no different than thinking there is only one word that rhymes with blue.
But one day, when a foreigner asks you for directions in the street, maybe you will feel embarrassed, because you cannot speak a single word.
Jn. 2:5 But whoever keeps his word, truly in this one the love of God has been perfected. In this we know that we are in Him.
Jn. 2:5 But whoever keeps his word, truly in this one the love of God has been perfected.
Jn. 2:5 But whoever keeps his word, truly in this one the love of God has been perfected.