I can enjoy a joke as well as the next man , but this is going too far.
For Albania, Kosovo, Bosnia and Macedonia the joke is that they are getting not progress but stagnation reports.
The "Zwitch to Zoho" name might be cheesy marketing, but the cheaper subscription price is no joke.
"Zwitch toZoho"这个名字的营销味道很浓,但低廉的价格可不是闹着玩儿的。
But surprisingly, only 10 to 15 percent of laughter is the result of someone making a joke, said Baltimore neuroscientist Robert Provine, who has studied laughter for decades.
但是出人意料的是,仅有10%至15%的笑是由某个人的笑话引起的,美国巴尔的摩市的神经科学家罗伯特·布诺温(Robert Provine)介绍说。他已经研究笑几十年了。
That sounds like a joke, but it happens so often to varying degrees in large programming projects that there is a name for the phenomenon, Greenspun's Tenth rule.
The old joke is made real: losing money on every sale, but making it up on volume.
Provine's conclusion was that the essential ingredient for laughter is not a joke but another person.
The joke is not just about hypocrisy but also about the main character's complete unawareness of his or her hypocrisy.
But in the end, good, evil, right, or wrong... what we choose is never what we really need, for that is the ultimate cosmic joke, the real gift that god has left behind.
Economic forecasting is a long-standing joke, but the laughter has turned harsh and bitter in the wake of the credit crisis.
For most people, the thrill lasts for a few weeks each October. But for true believers, the paranormal is an everyday fact, not just a holiday joke.
Of course he was making a joke, but the truth is that when the road gets too smooth, you have the tendency to become complacent.
But very few will realize that the the badge number on another cab, 87539319, is also a joke.
America's us magazine is popular, but its title is something of a cruel joke on the reader: it is about famous beautiful people the reader will never meet.
The above method is in fact a joke and you, but if you noticed water condensation problem?
There was a time when the idea of "Hamburger U, " McDonald's training facility, used to elicit titters, but to Skinner, who didn't graduate from college or earn an MBA, management training is no joke.
Humanity marketing clear though is no moral integrity, but also need to have a degree, just like a joke, this is the need to grasp the scale.
I know that is in a joke, but also reflects some readers to understand the narrow I want to express meaning.
At that time, I have forgotten what is not said, but it is certainly echo the black joke everyone said, laughing off or expressed support.
That was a joke, but it does have a serious point. If the Chinese industry is going to make the transition, it will need an immense training programme.
But, if this world is not merely a bad joke, life a vulgar flare amid the cool radiance of the stars.
Plan couldn't catch up with change, but has no plans, the ideal is a joke.
The joy of laughing at a funny story is universal, probably as old as language itself. But, what is it that makes a story or a joke funny?
Speak of to come indeed is a joke, but this will never be a joke in the Sung Dynasty.
Speak of to come indeed is a joke, but this will never be a joke in the Sung Dynasty.