It was critical, it said the book is nonsense and so on, but it cut corners, the guy didn't say what he knew.
Queru admits that Google cut some corners with the Honeycomb development and it was incomplete, and they do not want anybody to continue using Android 3.0 but rather move to 4.0.
Queru承认Google在Honeycomb的开发中偷工减料,因此它并不完整,他们希望大家不要再继续使用Android 3.0,而是转到4.0。
Some companies would choose a quick way to cut costs by cutting corners in production or using cheaper materials, but it always can be a self-destruct of the corporate identity.
Writing a convincing cover letter takes a lot of time and effort, but don't think you can cut corners by writing just one letter and sending it to different employers.
Writing a convincing cover letter takes a lot of time and effort, but don't think you can cut corners by writing just one letter and sending it to different employers.