His health was better in the winter, but last spring the wound reopened, and the doctor says he ought to go away for proper treatment.
But last spring, when I set out to lose some weight, I did so without someone else watching over my shoulder or asking that I make things that I didn't want to eat.
These are not actually from last spring, but they're typical enough that I was too lazy to make some new quotes.
The jobless rate, meanwhile, stayed at 7.8% of the Labour force-well up on the 5.2% recorded in late 2007, before the recession had begun, but still lower than feared last spring.
But it now faces a decision on whether to recall more than 300, 000 cars sold since the newest version of the Prius was introduced last spring.
Tears clouded both our eyes. Neither of us feared this last flower of fall, but the wait for spring seems longest in November.
Health Secretary Tommy Thompson last spring announced plans for a new initiative to encourage donations — including clearer consent forms — but its impact is expected to be modest.
Oil prices have more than doubled from the low point they hit in the spring, but are still around half the all-time high of nearly $150 a barrel they reached in early summer last year.
It has pursued rapid growth over profits, but since last spring, it has brought in advertising revenues through paid for "promoted tweets."
The number of initial claims for unemployment insurance is well off its high of last spring, but claims still have not fallen to ranges consistent with rising employment.
The huge rotating gold statue of Niyazov may continue to tower over Ashgabat, the capital, but the months of the year were returned to their original names last spring.
European nations were slow to bail-out bankrupt Greece last spring but are now pressing debt-addled Ireland to take a $100 billion stability fund check over Irish objections.
At last the winter was ended, but an event, the consequences of which might be serious occurred in the first days of the returning spring.
And last but definitely not least, spring means we get a break from school for the spring vacation.
Last but not least. When we return home, we should feel more happy with the family. This is the meaning of the Spring Festival.
Last spring Beijing attempted its own homework restrictions, but workloads crept back up as insistent parents worried about their children falling behind.
Higher air temperature in spring causes earlier first flowering dates, but air temperature in summer, autumn and winter of last year has no significant impact.
Night yuan this year, with the lights still on, but not last year, tears wet spring Shanxiu.
Night yuan this year, with the lights still on, but not last year, tears wet spring Shanxiu.