"Was his name David?"—"No I don't think it was, but never mind, go on."
This isn't where I intended to take you—but never mind, it's just as good.
I missed by a mile, which is a problem in drawing my lines, but never mind.
He turned to Fanny. 'But never mind, darling,' he said, 'in the sight of God you are my wife!'
Apple and longan meat, doping in red wine, accompanied by baked cheese cake, familiar, but never mind.
Erica McAllister is excited perhaps, in the context, not the most felicitous choice of word, but never mind.
Today, the number of flowers and swaying in front of, but never mind moving over to the pick, even if only one.
But never mind that, Mr. Perry suggests; those scientists are just in it for the money, "manipulating data" to create a fake threat.
It’s been settled business that you can’t do this since the Supreme Court decided McCullough v. Maryland in 1819, but never mind.
Maybe fate treats you unfairly. But never mind, we still can stand up as long as owning firm faith for life. Nothing can conquer you but yourself.
The EU is treating Ukraine like turkey-too big, too poor, and destined to wait indefinitely for membership. (That's a false comparison too, but never mind).
Suppose, for example, that you believed claims that voters are more concerned about the budget deficit than they are about jobs. (that's not actually true, but never mind.)
But never mind the lessons of history, or events unfolding across the Atlantic: Republicans are now fully committed to the doctrine that we must destroy employment in order to save it.
When one is going to be married, there is nothing like implicit confidence; but never mind that, my boy,--go and announce your arrival, and let her know all your hopes and prospects.
"I never seed no sense in th' Doxology afore," he said hoarsely, "but I may change my mind i' time."
The thought of moving in never really crossed my mind, but had it developed along more earthy grounds I think the cheese would have put the lid on that idea.
But in his mind, there was never any doubt that the ability to pass through solid objects would one day be a common tool in the intelligence-gathering Arsenal.
Just like your stomach, even your mind is hungry. But it never lets you know, because you keep it busy thinking about your dream lover, favorite star and many such absurd things.
Sure it's got deadly spiders, snakes and sharks, but they don't stop people from coming here, never mind living here.
Not only did walking away from 95% of our revenue have a way of focusing the mind on the remainder of our business, but the benefits began showing up everywhere - even in places we never suspected.
The title is from the script by France playwright Albert Camus. The moon symbolized the happiness to Caligula, but he never get over it in his mind.
But to my mind, I think since I have finished those I know, and I can never work out those I don't know, why don't I hand in the paper earlier in order to go over the next test?
Never mind if nobody USES most of these new features (this article is being typed into word-processing software from 1997, for instance, but it seems to work perfectly well).
Well, four, but one was a secret because he was born out of wedlock and had been shipped off to Italy in infancy because … uh, never mind.
The moon symbolized the happiness to Caligula, but he never get over it in his mind.
The moon symbolized the happiness to Caligula, but he never get over it in his mind.