Conceptually, a disjunction should involve two or more things, but no error is currently raised if there are fewer disjoins.
The References section of the project is followed by (errors - see error List), but no errors appear in the error List.
If your code passes the wrong element to the method, the code compiles fine, but might raise a runtime error or silently return no results.
But it won't be; the computation will continue as if the cast had succeeded, signaling an error further into the computation or worse, completing with corrupt data but no outward signs of trouble.
Note that if and.po files don't exist for a language code called for in wp-config.php then there is no error message, but the code is still used in language_attributes .
注意,如果.mo和.po文件不在wp - config . php中调用语言代码,将不会由任何错误提示,但是这些代码仍然被language_attributes所使用。
For speed (but no data protection other than error detection), you can employ striping across devices (RAID 0).
If your queries execute without error but return no data, double-check the path expressions and namespace declarations in your query.
This script shown in Listing 4 has no error checking and is not very robust, but it illustrates our point.
There's no error handling in this code, but note that you would need it in a real-world application.
You may be wrong, of course, but a risk of error is no excuse for inaction.
The above error can occur if the Sybase existing table definition declares one of the columns to be NOT NULL but there is no value for that column in one of the records of the result set.
如果sybase现有表定义声明某一列为NOT NULL,但是在结果集中的某一行记录在那一列没有值,就可能发生上述错误。
Tommy Sheppard, of The Stand, said: "The rise could mean a margin of error, but there is no sense of people staying away as a result of the credit crunch."
"There's been this error, but that in no way detracts from the value of the report or the impact it has had, " Mr Pachauri said.
But mistakes are costly in the new system. And in the team final, there is no room for error.
In the case of free , you know which pointer was being freed when the error was detected, but that gives no hint whatsoever as to who trashed the heap.
Goodness answers to the theological virtue charity, and admits no excess, but error.
Carefully you can see that the street name will emerge from time to time one or two typos or traditional Chinese characters, but no one pointed out the error.
This error generally occurs when a search has been attempted with the search scope set to Current Document but no file is open.
No error will be reported if a serializer was found but it failed to produce an expression.
No proofreader caught the error, but five years later an editor noticed the word had no etymology and began the investigation that led to the word's being banished.
Any use of an invalidated iterator is likely to yield a run-time error, but there is no guarantee that the program will crash or otherwise make it easy to detect the problem.
The control algorithm is very simple, and it not only has achieved fine effect on the control of fiberglass reinforced plastic wind machines, but also has accomplished no error following at any speed.
Results The two methods had no significant difference from each other but had a certain error.
This error generally occurs when a new tool has been added to the External Tools dialog box, but no title has been specified.
I've used error correction to make copies that were better than physically-damaged originals, but I have no idea how a copy could be better than a well-manufactured original.
Speaking after the 3-1 victory, Wenger acknowledged there was no foul in the build-up to the goal but refused to put the error down to Mannone's inexperience.
The following variables are endogenous, but have no residual (error) variables.
I have no idea about what I want, but what I do not want is for sure. Just like Cristina, I keep my mind open, I like to try, even I try error.
I have no idea about what I want, but what I do not want is for sure. Just like Cristina, I keep my mind open, I like to try, even I try error.